Heroes of the Storm

Eugh, had this horrible issue last night:


Not my video but exactly what I was experiencing. It's not FPS lag but horrible latency stuttering. I have 50meg so not sure what was going on. I pinged the HoTS EU Servers and ye was getting lots of timeouts and high pings.

Seems to be a lot with this issue but no real fix. Any ideas?

I had this once, couldn't work out what was going on so ran a speed test and noticed my Infinity speed has plummeted :( After a quick router reboot it had gone back up and the game was fine.

Mind you once in 66 hours of playtime isn't bad.
Free rotation:

Li Li
Azmodan (level 12)
Jaina (level 15)

Hero on sale is Tyrande along with Stitches chef skin and a Tyrande skin.
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First time that my Daily Quest states I have to use a Hero I don't own.

It doesn't tell you to play a specific hero, ie. "Diablo hero" means hero from the Diablo franchise, not the diablo himself. Pretty sure they always set the free rotation in a way this can be covered.
He might not be level 15 yet though, the base 5 don't always cover everything.

You can keep 2 quests until you unlock the level 12 and/or 15 hero slots though as long as you're making sure you don't leave your log full overnight and miss a quest :).

For the last 2 weeks for example you've only been able to do the specialist quest with free heroes at level 12 and above.

Edit: actually it looks like the specialist quest pretty much always requires level 12.
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Annoying bug atm.

Game was loading as normal, when it got to the end I got booted back to the main menu. Thought that was odd, so tried to start a new game. No go, account locked.

Quit game, reloaded, rejoin your game in progress, ok. Gets to end of loading and booted back to menu again.

Will do, you would have thought so.

Whenever I try and start the game it says the game I was in is still going so I can rejoin, then kicks me back to the main menu when it fails to load.

There is no chance a game I started 1 hour 15mins ago is still going on :)

It seems to be stuck assuming it is so I am locked out of matchmaking.
What FPS are people getting? Mine over the last day or so has seemed to have dropped to around 25 and nothing has changed.

Edit - It was my GPU not boosting for some reason, all sorted.
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Seriously need to start grouping had some really frustrating pug's literally topping all 4 charts trying to carry .

if anyone is up give me a shout my username is Relton#2971
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