Heroes of the Storm

I've been trying to use Nova recently to level to 5 but we just don't seem to get along. I don't see how everyone thinks she is soo good in this game. I don't see much damage from her either. Unless I'm just using her wrong.

I much prefer the healing / support class.
Nova is decent but not top tier. The biggest problem with Nova is she shows up poor play much more than other heroes. A good Nova player is noticeable as most are pretty poor.

She can do lots of damage with the right combo.
I like nova but don't get to use her in hero league because you get flamed when trying to pick her, at my level (40 atm) i think you can play any hero if you know them well.
Nova is a mixed bag for me. Your team needs good dps so you can help with the finishing and you have to hope the opposing team isn't so well organised and ideally doesn't have a healer so you can capitalise on breakaways. If your team doesn't have the dps in team fights then she seems to struggle, as it's not like you can compensate with siege damage and merc camps either.
Her biggest draw back is when invis she sometimes randomly starts shooting the enemy when you haven't clicked them removing your cloak and bang dead if your out of position.
I like Novas play style but I feel pretty useless on my own until level 20. Early game you are terrible at laning and can't survive anything. Later on when you can crippling shot > lethal decoy > precision strike > snipe it gets a lot better though. I can see why people don't like having her in the ranked games as its like a 4 player team in the early levels.
I main her and I do get flamed a lot despite having higher winrate with her than the people flaming me have on any of the FOTM heroes.

She has to be played very specifically, and that is basically being an invisible threat. More often than not you should not even be with your team and almost never in a lane.

The main point is to be always on the move so that enemy team should be afraid to engage anything without full team or ever go anywhere with under 60% hp. I scout things like merc camps and bosses a lot as well so that my team has vision of any enemy moving inbetween the lanes.

I will try to post some high ranked replays later tonight or over the weekend.
The problem with Nova has already been mentioned and is very similar to the problem with Aba. The good ones usually go unnoticed and the bad ones are REALLY obvious.

Most of the time I can ignore Nova or focus her but there is the odd game where the Nova just destroys me, Picking me off left right and centre appearing from no where to smash my face into a wall and then disappearing into the night again.
When it comes to selecting talents, do you guys find yourself just knowing what to select? I don't most of the time and just go for what I know.
When it comes to selecting talents, do you guys find yourself just knowing what to select? I don't most of the time and just go for what I know.

I have a default setup which will work in all conditions and then adjust it depending on the team make up.

If i'm Muradin and the only tank in the game i will go with something like this:


If there is other tanks I will go a bit more damage build with something like this:


Not massively different but removes some healing for a bit more damage/stun.
Also this is a decent enough site to get some idea on builds.




The bottom site gives you details on win percentages etc...

The Lost Vikings is currently top with 62.4% and Murky is bottom with 42.2%, surprisingly Nova is 2nd from bottom with 43.8% which backs up what we have been saying about there is many poor Nova players compared to those making her really excel.
I seem to of become pretty obsessed with it, not much else gets a look in game wise.

I had kind of figured it would wear off, I'm sure it probably will... maybe :)
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