Heroes of the Storm

Been a successful night tonight, won 14 out of 17 I think in quick match. Don't usually get those numbers.

I presume its the same with all MOBA's but I love how a game can quickly change.

On a few occasions tonight the first 10 mins I've sat thinking this will be over soon, we are all over the place. Then it clicks and we start to catch up, one silly mistake by the opposition and you're pushing the core for the win.
I should be hitting 10 with Muradin over the next day. Must admit he's my favourite so far and will be the one i main.

Still going strong, currently 19 wins and 3 losses out of the last 22 games.
I had my first game with Li Li this morning before work. I love her healing but other than that, I couldn't do anything? Am I just to stay back and heal? because she doesn't really have anything that could threaten any of the heroes.
I had my first game with Li Li this morning before work. I love her healing but other than that, I couldn't do anything? Am I just to stay back and heal? because she doesn't really have anything that could threaten any of the heroes.

That's pretty much Li Li in a nutshell. All heals and little else especially with regards to damage.

She's one of the easiest to play like Raynor, good beginner heroes. I like playing her when i'm being lazy and can't be bothered to put much thought in to the game.
The game has reset everything on me.

When I log in it takes me to the Welcome to Nexus screen and puts me through the training.

When I quit that, i go back to the main screen, all hero levels have been reset but have all my gold.

Not happy!
It's just a bug according to forums, If you check your hero screen everyone will be at the correct level it's just they start at level 1 in game.
I'm about to hit 7k gold and grab another new hero, bare in mind I'll be grabbing the Nexus bundle on payday soon.

My choices and preferences in order are Kerrigan, Tyrael or Diablo. I'm not really bothered who is the most powerful or easiest to play but more in who is fun.

Which one would you recommend ?
I'm about to hit 7k gold and grab another new hero, bare in mind I'll be grabbing the Nexus bundle on payday soon.

My choices and preferences in order are Kerrigan, Tyrael or Diablo. I'm not really bothered who is the most powerful or easiest to play but more in who is fun.

Which one would you recommend ?

Go in the store and try them, gives you a chance to test the skill set etc...

Diablo is ok, but nothing special.
Tyrael i didn't like but some seem too.
Not tried Kerrigan

Thats my opinion but we all differ on what we like.
I've tried them all but the practice lane is such a fake environment to make a good judgement. Sure, you can test the skills to an extent but without a challenge it's hard to gauge their effectiveness.

I guess it all comes down to logic, in-depth research and science and with that in mind Kerrigan has the best ass, choice made ! :p !
Worst. Game. Ever.

We just lost vs the AI..... how? Ok, Nova just sits around in a bush to begin the game. Nobody was even bothered with mid lane (I couldn't go alone as Li Li). I tell them we need to defend... they carry on attacking, I heal as much as I can do - they continue to run past the AI and get themselves into a mess away from me.

In the end they was attacking our base and I was telling them to come back.. but no. They continued to try pushing the AI base even though we had only just broken the barriers!

Some people.....
I'm by no means a great player, far from it.

That said there are some god awful players in co-op but not managed to lose. Usually do co-op if need a daily and can't be bothered play that hero.

I don't mind losing if as a team we try and play the objective. Drives me mad when you have a team just doing whatever they want.
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Worst. Game. Ever.

We just lost vs the AI..... how? Ok, Nova just sits around in a bush to begin the game. Nobody was even bothered with mid lane (I couldn't go alone as Li Li). I tell them we need to defend... they carry on attacking, I heal as much as I can do - they continue to run past the AI and get themselves into a mess away from me.

In the end they was attacking our base and I was telling them to come back.. but no. They continued to try pushing the AI base even though we had only just broken the barriers!

Some people.....

The problem with playing as Li Li is that you are almost completely reliant on the other members of your team being good at what they're supposed to be doing. You're screwed if they're not.
Lost vs A.I !!!!! now that is something not even I have done :eek: ! :D !

I usually play co-op vs A.I to level up a new Hero so that you have all the skills unlocked for the real game.
The problem with playing as Li Li is that you are almost completely reliant on the other members of your team being good at what they're supposed to be doing. You're screwed if they're not.

The other problem being everyone thinks you can heal non stop and they will never die so they do silly things. Which usually follows with a message asking why you didn't heal them.
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