Heroes of the Storm

For those that still need a key

4) BET4WG-92C2-2DNC6X-4FWE-984RG9
Another 4 keys just in case there's still someone out there who hasn't got one.

Release date announced: June 2nd.

Nice. Started playing this week and got to say I love the feel of this game. Does enough different to separate itself from every other MOBA and the short game lengths are a blessing.

Chuffed to see they have confirmed that everything in beta will carry over to release with no more wipes. Was in 2 minds to invest too much time into it until launch, but now I know everything is retained, will be playing a lot more.
I am glad its heading into open beta and the release isn't far away but I would have liked a bit more content.

A StarCraft themed battleground would be nice for example, as would a few for Diablo and StarCraft heroes.

Still some time I guess :)
Surprised no one has mentioned the best news yet:


I don't care about release/open beta, makes no difference to me.

I imagine the Diablo map and heroes (Butcher, Female Crusader, Skeleton King) will be the next stuff released after Kael.
And again, completely randomly, for absolutely no reason the game stutters to an unplayable mess once more.

So damn annoying. Played yesterday perfectly smoothly for hours, PC has not even been turned off and nothing changed yet tonight, now - a mess.
so... when should I come out of 'practice' mode and venture into real-people co-op/solo queues?

My highest level character is ~2 at the moment - I keep switching around to try all the free ones in practice mode.
Practice mode is good to get used to skills and their usage but absolutely useless for learning a character as it should be played in Versus/Quick Match.

AI is.......unconvincing at best :D Just jump into quick play. Oh, and read some guides on your chosen hero to work out viable builds, early/mid/late game strengths/weaknesses and Top Tips.

Here is a great resource - http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/guides
You will learn much more against actual people :)

Oh, I know that and want to get right to it, I just didn't know if I'd be an (even more) useless dead weight if I didn't have the unlocks for that hero.


Any heroes you'd recommend for a support/healer play style? Of the two week's worth of free heroes I've tried so far, Li Li (though annoying) and Malfurion have been the most fun. I imagine they are super prone to ganking if you get a bad team, but meh. I'll keep trying free stuff, but if there's one obvious 'best choice' at the moment I may as well make it my first gold purchase.
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I started playing the game a couple of weeks ago when Tassadar was free, and I swear by him now. He can be tailored either for maximum healing, crazy face-melting or a mixture of both styles.

Plus he only costs about 4000 gold if I remember correctly.
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