Heroes of the Storm

I've not played them yet but I imagine they are quite similar to Abathur in that you need very good team mate, objective and general map awareness.

I'd like to give them a try but I reckon I would get mullered :D

Well to be fair I've not played Abathur either as I don't get it :D
I don't understand how to play TLV. having three heroes to control seems impossible when controlling one is hard enough.

They were used in game 5 heroes of the dorm final


suck up XP in different lanes early game and they have a good ult for team fights.

like i said i'm scared to use them because i'm no good at micromanagement :confused:
I don't understand how to play TLV. having three heroes to control seems impossible when controlling one is hard enough.

It's not easy.

The general idea is to split them up. I was generally running a 2-1 split on them and trying to get the opposition team to push the other lane.

You're constantly switching from one part of the map to another making sure they don't die from the opposition.

The thing that annoys me the most with them is that the camera follow feature doesn't work. Plus it would be nice if you selected a hero the camera would automatically pan to them, it doesn't so in the heat of the moment you can easily move the wrong hero.

Rewarding but extremely stressful.
They're great in the haunted mines map. Send Olaf down the mines with your team and let Baelong and Eric soak xp in the two lanes while nobody is there.

Hopefully Kael'thas will be with us tomorrow as the patch is at 3am.

Also looking forward to 1st June, hopefully they throw some free stuff to those going. Will be hitting london by 1pm, quick nosey round, grab a pub dinner then go to the event. Finishes at 22:30 and my train back is 23:00. Euston is an hrs walk so will have to leave about 22:15 and jump on the tube.
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I've managed to get a BETA key for this game, I know absolutly nothing about it!

A friend mentioned its pretty much another DOTA and LoL?
It's a more 'noob friendly' version of those two games. There's no items or runes or anything to worry about, the action revolves entirely around the heroes and the map objectives.

I never did like the items aspect of moba games, I ended up spending 2 hours at the shop wondering what I need.
I've managed to get a BETA key for this game, I know absolutly nothing about it!

A friend mentioned its pretty much another DOTA and LoL?

It's a MOBA but the similarities aren't that strong.

Games are much shorter. 30 mins is classed as long, 15-25 mins is about the average.
There is no individual levelling up, you do it as a team. No gold, shop or final hitting.
Each map has an objective such as collect 3 tributes to curse the opposition team, collect coins so the pirate fires at their base, capture temples to unleash a player controlled dragon, capture skulls to unleash an AI controlled golem etc...
There are several camps per map that you can capture, they will then fight for you. Either 5 knights or 2 siege golems occupy the camps.

Due to the objectives and the camps there are more than one way to win. If your team is consistently losing team fights you can still win by playing the objective. Also in late game your team can be comfortably in front but one bad move as a team and the tables turn quickly. Many games its looked a lost cause but the opposition messed up, got wiped and then we pushed on to win.

It rewards team play far more in my opinion. Run around solo and you won't win. It is simplified compared to the others but there is a skill level. Easy to get into hard to master.

Oh yeah and i forgot to mention you start with all your skills unlocked, then when you level up you unlock abilities that allow you to customise your build.
People go on about not having a shop like the others so you miss out on a massive amount of options.

The truth is though only a handful of those options ever get used, people always follow the meta. So essentially your no worse off.
People go on about not having a shop like the others so you miss out on a massive amount of options.

The truth is though only a handful of those options ever get used, people always follow the meta. So essentially your no worse off.

+1 I dont miss buying the same items over and over, though i do miss killing the enemy courier :D
Sounds like my type of game, I always got fed up of the shop on DOTA.

Whats the size of the fan base at the moment, even though its in BETA?
Sounds like my type of game, I always got fed up of the shop on DOTA.

Whats the size of the fan base at the moment, even though its in BETA?

11 million registered for the beta. Obviously not that many are playing but it's always easy to get a game. It will be a success as the Blizzard name holds plenty of weight.
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Is this f2p and can I still get into beta?

Really falling out of love with DOTA at the moment so trying something new will be good for a change.

These should work

2) ZBHBZH-8EN9-2VWE4P-7V84-E99YR6

Say already redeemed on your battlenet account :confused:

Either I've used a code and have no memory of doing so or some people struck quik wit those codes! :(
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