I've managed to get a BETA key for this game, I know absolutly nothing about it!
A friend mentioned its pretty much another DOTA and LoL?
It's a MOBA but the similarities aren't that strong.
Games are much shorter. 30 mins is classed as long, 15-25 mins is about the average.
There is no individual levelling up, you do it as a team. No gold, shop or final hitting.
Each map has an objective such as collect 3 tributes to curse the opposition team, collect coins so the pirate fires at their base, capture temples to unleash a player controlled dragon, capture skulls to unleash an AI controlled golem etc...
There are several camps per map that you can capture, they will then fight for you. Either 5 knights or 2 siege golems occupy the camps.
Due to the objectives and the camps there are more than one way to win. If your team is consistently losing team fights you can still win by playing the objective. Also in late game your team can be comfortably in front but one bad move as a team and the tables turn quickly. Many games its looked a lost cause but the opposition messed up, got wiped and then we pushed on to win.
It rewards team play far more in my opinion. Run around solo and you won't win. It is simplified compared to the others but there is a skill level. Easy to get into hard to master.
Oh yeah and i forgot to mention you start with all your skills unlocked, then when you level up you unlock abilities that allow you to customise your build.