Heroes of the Storm

I am back playing this after a long break Bawheidbob#1277

I am still awful at playing and not made it to Lvl 30 yet (currently 28) but I like playing although I must admit to only been playing co-op v bots up until now.

Wouldnt bother with bots, just jump into quick match, you will learn a lot faster, doesnt matter if you lose, its what qm is used for. If you get abuse, just ignore :p
Rexxar...interesting hero. The bear has some god awful logic at times. Sometimes it will run off and chase as you want, sometimes she returns on a seemingly tiny leash.

For craps and giggles you can actually tell her to attack while remaining mounted.

Not sure on the hero yet, for a ranged Warrior he has VERY little in terms of escape/control/escape. It's all down to the bear which, with the above pathing uncertainty, is annoying.
Yeah this is why I am put off I am one of the clueless :)

I don't really mind if people try it's the idiots that go afk or just say "GG" after the first death. People that feed are also frustrating, people should know that dying is bad. You also get the other people that just sit in a lane and don't bother with any team fights or objectives. Sometimes the presence of the 5th player puts the other team off (They don't know that you're not sure how to play).

So many tutorials or guides out there.
Rexxar is much more squishy than misha :/

Because Misha is the tank not Rexxar which is a bit of a bizzare situation to be in.

I played 4 games with Rexxar tonight and won 3 of them with me being top tanking and damage dealt in both. I am not sure if this is because people do not understand how to combat Rexxar yet or not but I found him to be a reasonable hero.

The fact he is ranged and Misha is the tank is great, Especially with Mishas AoE stun thing, my only issue is I find Misha a tad weak. Even with mend pet she dies far too quickly. I think Rexxar needs more Damage overall perhaps.
Because Misha is the tank not Rexxar which is a bit of a bizzare situation to be in.

I played 4 games with Rexxar tonight and won 3 of them with me being top tanking and damage dealt in both. I am not sure if this is because people do not understand how to combat Rexxar yet or not but I found him to be a reasonable hero.

The fact he is ranged and Misha is the tank is great, Especially with Mishas AoE stun thing, my only issue is I find Misha a tad weak. Even with mend pet she dies far too quickly. I think Rexxar needs more Damage overall perhaps.

Yup ignor the bear if you can and jump on rexxar then apart from the stun he's in trouble.
It's mostly good for me, I almost have some form of chance at winning, just got to put a bit more of an effort in sometimes :)

No ammount of effort can help a completely ignored objective. I win a few here and there. Maybe it's because I'm doing the placement games since it all reset.
You can join a channel in game - ocuk. Means anyone online can ask in channel for a game. If anyone interested for some QM's every now and again then you can add me - Life#2565.

Had a very funny game last night. I love playing Lili so I pick first, rest of the team was Nova, Hammer, Abathar and Raynor playing on Spider map!!

I honestly wanted to stop before it started. Anyway - surprisingly enough (not) we were about 2 levels down early doors, hammer taking a pasting as usual. Gradually got out self back into it until a critical Nuke from nova took out 4 players and coughed up nearly 60 gems they were trying to put in.

Ended up going to the wire 26-25, but a win. Never thought that would happen with Nova/hammer in the same team.
I played some on sat and I had 4 games in a row where a player just went afk from the start. Eventually they get dropped from inactivity but I mean by that point you have lost its 4v5.

Honestly the toxicity of players does to seem to be increasing more and more. People seem to rage so much when things don’t go the way “they” want it to. I had an Illidan rage at me while I was playing Jania saying I wasn’t doing enough damage, yet I was ahead of him both on siege and hero throughout the entire game and died a hell of a lot less. I was in every team fight while he was off doing god knows what leaving us 4v5ing some times. We got close to a win but just couldn’t do it with Illidan running off solo all the time then blaming us for not following him... Another game we had an (sorry Illidan players) an Illidan lol rage so much that because we lost the very first dragon knight calling us “idiots”... need to “L2P” etc and then proceeded to feed, he just ran at their towers dieing over and over and over again. The first dragon knight only killed two towers not even a fort (or is it keep.. I always get the first and second ones mixed up), yet he decided that we was already going to lose. I really dislike players like this, I mean I get annoyed some of the times but I don’t start doing things like that just because it doesn’t go “my way” It was funny because the rest of the team just kept calling him a loser and he got sooooooo annoyed at it. Everyone just said you are the one that is feeding so you obviously cannot play so you are a loser simples lol :p

One slightly funny game I had in HL was after the draft was picked we had two "warriors" on our side, a Soyna (not really a "tanky" warrior) so I picked Johanna as the last pick since we had a raghar on our side. Right from the start I had one guy (obviously the Nova player) who was raging like hell saying I don't know how to pick properly I should just die, give up now it’s pointless RAH RAH RAH. Luckily he didn't feed and the other 4 players were fine. We absolutely destroyed the enemy team they just could not take me and Soyna down and with us peeling and Reghar doing a really good job of keeping us up it gave our Jania the time to smash in the dmg along with Soyna's dmg. At the end the Nova player said "next time don't pick two tanks".... some people really refuse to learn.

There are times when I really just want to quit HOTS because there is so many horrid people that effectively just waste 20-30mins of your life. I can understand people learning but there are always ALWAYS one or two that have to rage and just throw a game that has not even started. But then I get the odd few games when some truly amazing plays come out of them and you think god dam that was fun and it pulls me back in. Especially those games when you are losing then one team fight towards the end goes your way and boom all of a sudden you win a otherwise “lost” game.
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We should get a few games going with members here. I have been playing Kharazim as a healer and it is insane the amount of actual healing he can do, Also been trying to work on a decent DPS build for Rexxar but coming up short, Just not convinced he is a good hero overall.
We should get a few games going with members here. I have been playing Kharazim as a healer and it is insane the amount of actual healing he can do, Also been trying to work on a decent DPS build for Rexxar but coming up short, Just not convinced he is a good hero overall.

I think rexx needs some work, but it's a lot to do with people not knowing how to use Misha effectively.

Bear builds seem to go quite well for me but I think he's definitely more of a 'jungler' than a warrior/tank. Being able to solo the boss from lv7(slowly)-10(quickly) is insanely powerful if you don't get caught.

And +1 for OCUK games. I'd be up for some QM :-) need to get my kael game in check
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Anyone else experiencing connectivity issues today? Pretty much impossible to play at the moment. (Which is a shame for me, since today is my first chance to play since June).

Edit: nvm seems to be working now.
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