Heroes of the Storm

I played 14 of my placement matches last night :p only won 6 of them. Honestly I have never encountered such stupidity in some of the losses in all my life. Similar to Musty Pie people overloading on tanks when its obviously not needed or picking just poor tank choices like Stitches. Some people using first choice for Nova.... Seriously why waste a first pick picking Nova, don't get me wrong Nova can be fun to play and can be "fairly effective" when played well. But most of these Nova's just sit there and do nothing for pretty much the entire game not even roaming properly.

One of the worst games I got though honestly I could not believe it. We got a "fairly good" line up,

First pick: Zeratul
Second pick: Jania
Third pick: Leroic
Forth pick: Valla
Last pick (me): I figured need support so I grab Malf.

To me that is a pretty good line up, I would have most likely picked Uther but other team already had him. Once we enter the game, I got completely flamed for picking Malf :confused: all of them kept saying I should have picked a proper assassin we don't need healer etc etc.... needless to say I just knew the game was not going to go well from the start. So what happens of course they all just run in gung ho getting themselves killed running into fights they have no chance of winning and then blame me for it. What is it with some people are they just pure stupid or being toxic just for the sake of being toxic and horrible whilst also being completely **** at the game.

Also had at least 2 games with afker's.... urgh the placement matches are horrible I really hope it gets a bit better once these are done.

Otherwise had fun playing :p

Also does anyone have them characters that they are good at playing but don't really like ? I seem to always be really effective when using Muradin I'm pretty darn good at his skill shot and generally always connect and at useful times, I've had people /w me after game when using him what a good job I was doing at protecting and gameplay in general. But I really don't like the character :p I guess its because back in the WoW days I was always FOR THE HORDE ! so playing a dwarf just seems wrong to me lol
I had a Valla last night that just stayed in lane 90% of the time like they were playing LoL or something and ignored all teamfights we had and just flamed us when asking if they wouldnt mind helping out...

No idea how we won that game tbh, we didn't deserve to at all.
Just had a good HL game with him! I picked him up 2nd and our last guy picked malf and told me to go dps.... oh i like dps monk :D
Just finished my 20 HL matches and i go in at the dizzy height of rank 42 :/

So after the reset and 20 HL games i have gone from rank 26 to 42.....*sigh*
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I got put in at rank 18 following my placement matches. Very surprised as I got nothing but idiots and lost more than I won pretty much.

How does that work? I won 13 and lost 7 and as you say there were some players that didn't have a clue, so in the games I won and some of the games I didn't I felt I contributed as much as anyone.....damage, tanking and healing.
Kael is pretty broken atm. With the new chain bomb, if you stand in a pack of minions, you can and will be oneshot in 0.1 of a second.
9 wins 11 losses in my placement games. I never played HL before the patch soooo but I got given rank 47.

I've been watching some of the NA and EU open games. Some of those games where very fun and interesting to watch. Shame that the EU open production values are about a tenth of the NA ones but there you. Its when I watch some of the pro games I do think yea some of these guys are seriously very skilled at playing.

Quite enjoying playing Kerrigan, but man I kept getting flamed for picking her in the drafts. Oddly enough they didn't say much though when I was top of hero damage. She is pretty darn dangerous if you ask me and quite under-estimated. She seemed to get play in the NA open but not so much in the EU, guess different meta's an all...
I'm still playing regularly :)

Currently sat at Rank 13 in Hero League but happy to play Hero League or whatever if you see me ingame.

Looks like Rexxar releases tomorrow :D
I am back playing this after a long break Bawheidbob#1277

I am still awful at playing and not made it to Lvl 30 yet (currently 28) but I like playing although I must admit to only been playing co-op v bots up until now.
I am back playing this after a long break Bawheidbob#1277

I am still awful at playing and not made it to Lvl 30 yet (currently 28) but I like playing although I must admit to only been playing co-op v bots up until now.

Hate to be blunt but......playing co-op versus bots might as well not be playing at all.

Bots are absolute derps and will give you no idea whatsoever versus actual players.

If you enjoy it crack on, just don't expect it to reflect actual PvP gameplay :D
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