Heroes of the Storm

"Due to technical issues, World Of Warcraft , Diablo 3 , Starcraft 2 , Hearthstone and Heroes Of The Storm players may experience latency or loss of connection. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience while this is being resolved. Please follow @BlizzardCSEU_EN on Twitter for further updates."

And they still punish me for a DC through no fault of my own sigh, on the bright side fired up DOTA for the first time in months because i was so unimpressed :rolleyes:
No connection/lag issues here.

The only thing killing me is the complete and utter lack of ability for most people in this game. The MMR system is a joke. 6 games - 5 losses.
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it's a great game, hamstrung by the worst community of players I have ever encountered. mute button enabled at all times.

My experience of the community has been (mostly) positive, however I stopped playing around the KT patch, and have only recently (as in this week) picked up HoTS again, so perhaps the vibe has changed for the worse since then.

When I was playing previously I found it to be a refreshing change from LoL, where the hostility was off the charts.
If you take a look at the League of Legends thread that comment has just been made. MOBA's generally are best played with people you know and can work with
I really like the medic but people really need to start to learn how she works.

People seem to see healing beam and then just leeroy into enemy teams :D
Really loving this game so far - though it can be frustrating when playing with people who think the 5-man blob is the best idea at level 1 and then are shocked at finding they're way behind on levels ('but we got two kills' etc) and/or grief if I try and lane until an objective comes up.

Playing with folks at work has been great though, even new players do fine with someone telling them when to lane, group up, initiate, fall back etc and some of the people there are rather better than me so it's good for my learning too :)

(Sorry Huggie, busy today)
Loving the game myself, not a big fan of moba's but this one is fast and fun. Still trying to get to grips with the characters and how they work together.
Anyone else getting a lag/stutter/freeze mid team fight since the last patch? not sure if its a general problem or just my end.
Anyone else getting a lag/stutter/freeze mid team fight since the last patch? not sure if its a general problem or just my end.

I've been having similar things happen in games too. Also at the very beginning of the game for a few seconds. It was never a problem before the last patch.
The last patch causes my graphics driver to crash constantly (4-5 times per match)

It is appalling and makes the game near unplayable
I've gone from lvl 20 to 30 since the patch with a horrific run of games, this freezing in a team fight is my main problem closely followed by the bad picks and afk's. I was going to give dota 2 another go but that sounds just as bad after reading in their thread. mebe LOL or smite then...
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