Heroic passengers stop somalian's deportation!!!

I sometimes wonder if a change in parenting styles in the 90's has amplified this kind of behaviour. Many children just don't get told, "no" anymore and some parents are happy to give in to their whims for a quiet life.

It's a long shot but maybe that has some bearing on entitlement issues down the line as people get older. I'd say that might be the case with a mollycoddled nephew of mine.

I'm not a parent and it's probably much more complex so I'm just going by observations of others.

In Sam Harris' Waking Up Podcast #137, he talks to Jonathan Haidt about his new book The Coddling of the American Mind.

In the book, Haidt and his co-author, Greg Lukianoff, explore these very themes.

They've identified the first cases of 'Safe Spaces', 'Microaggressions' and 'Trigger Warnings' on US College campuses in around 2013, suggesting that these issues began with children born from around 1995.

From the synopsis said:
They explore changes in childhood such as the rise of fearful parenting, the decline of unsupervised, child-directed play, and the new world of social media that has engulfed teenagers in the last decade. They examine changes on campus, including the corporatization of universities and the emergence of new ideas about identity and justice. They situate the conflicts on campus within the context of America’s rapidly rising political polarization and dysfunction.

People suffering nihilism but have no word for it / conscious awareness of it, are probably very drawn to this kind of SJW behaviour.

Maybe nihilism in the age of rampant individualism creates people trying to be heroes where they are not wanted or needed.

In the same interview (and I assume in the book) Haidt talks about 'the economy of prestige in the “call out” culture'. Essentially, these people gain prestige amongst their peers by being morally outraged by something that someone has done or said and they 'call out' that person as being sexist/racist/islamophbic/[insert your ism here] sometimes even over the misinterpreted use of a single word.

I'm not sure whether it's necessarily nihilism, if anything it's a display of overactive morality. :p It certainly appears to be a case study in Hegel's idea of 'the struggle for recognition'.
This is instantly solved by a correct procedure to deport using small private jets, no passengers potentially willing to get angsty enough to stop a flight and you don't advertantly increase the risk to everyone else.

Hiring a private plane capable with any decent range is incredibly expensive.

Which is probably why deportations take place using commercial flights where possible.

Commercial flights are also commonly used for the same reason when people are extradited to and from the UK.
Hiring a private plane capable with any decent range is incredibly expensive.

Which is probably why deportations take place using commercial flights where possible.

Commercial flights are also commonly used for the same reason when people are extradited to and from the UK.

Incredibly expensive? how many deportations happen per year?

Who the **** cares... the potential for endangerment of innocent civilians may be negligible/acceptable, i really don't care about the cost of correct procedure being followed, any non-incompetent government would agree, especially non-incompetent governments that don't constantly help fuel the flames of strife that probably account for more than the fair share of deportees.

I mean hell, why bother with the expensive guards, just plop him on a plane with no cuffs, that saves money too.
Aah, we’re back to the “it’s all our fault that these people are sad, disturbed rapists” argument again.

I get the feeling Strider is not arguing about the method of deportation honestly, and that no deportation is good enough as he believes that the man should be allowed to remain in the U.K.
Incredibly expensive? how many deportations happen per year?

Who the **** cares... the potential for endangerment of innocent civilians may be negligible/acceptable, i really don't care about the cost of correct procedure being followed, any non-incompetent government would agree, especially non-incompetent governments that don't constantly help fuel the flames of strife that probably account for more than the fair share of deportees.

I mean hell, why bother with the expensive guards, just plop him on a plane with no cuffs, that saves money too.

Around 50-60 thousand a year.

So thst many and one incident means we should be paying 10's of thousands per head instead of the incredibly safe current procedure?

And actually yes the majority are on a plane with no cuffs etc as its voluntary.

Top 5 countries Theyr e returning to are Romania, Albania, Poland, Pakistan and india pretty sure we haven't invaded mainland Europe in a while...
Around 50-60 thousand a year.

So thst many and one incident means we should be paying 10's of thousands per head instead of the incredibly safe current procedure?

And actually yes the majority are on a plane with no cuffs etc as its voluntary.

Top 5 countries Theyr e returning to are Romania, Albania, Poland, Pakistan and india pretty sure we haven't invaded mainland Europe in a while...

How many of those deportations are specifically criminals being deported for criminality rather than expired visa/overextenstion whatever?

Clearly if the deportee isn't/wasn't violent, it's immaterial to my point, which i suppose could have used extra argument.
Am I missing something here?

Where is the danger?

They are on a commercial airline but they are certainly not being treated like an ordinary commercial passenger.
How many of those deportations are specifically criminals being deported for criminality rather than expired visa/overextenstion whatever?

Clearly if the deportee isn't/wasn't violent, it's immaterial to my point, which i suppose could have used extra argument.

Doesnt matter. Send them back and in the first place, stop them from coming here!
Incredibly expensive? how many deportations happen per year?

Who the **** cares... the potential for endangerment of innocent civilians may be negligible/acceptable, i really don't care about the cost of correct procedure being followed, any non-incompetent government would agree, especially non-incompetent governments that don't constantly help fuel the flames of strife that probably account for more than the fair share of deportees.

I mean hell, why bother with the expensive guards, just plop him on a plane with no cuffs, that saves money too.
so you're still desperately trying to work in the "threat to the public" angle, that as i said early was NOTHING to do w/ the story at all, you just threw that in when i pointed out your side of the argument was made-up crap.
since transporting people like this is a horrendous threat to the public, could you post me a link please to a story where a flight/passengers have actually been jeopardised by this procedure? it would help if you exclude "Passenger 57" from your response.
How many of those deportations are specifically criminals being deported for criminality rather than expired visa/overextenstion whatever?

Clearly if the deportee isn't/wasn't violent, it's immaterial to my point, which i suppose could have used extra argument.

This deportee wasnt violent.

Shocking none of them on commercial flights have been violent...Because the violent ones aren't on the commercial flights. ..

As for the stats dunno do an FOI the stats day about 15k deported yearly after detention
How about piling them all into a shipping container and send back via sea with all the other hundreds of containers?
Turns out my colleague I play badminton with was on that flight! You can see them some of the videos sat down in his seat not giving a dam next to the gentleman "doing his job" in black
In Sam Harris' Waking Up Podcast #137, he talks to Jonathan Haidt about his new book The Coddling of the American Mind.

In the book, Haidt and his co-author, Greg Lukianoff, explore these very themes.

They've identified the first cases of 'Safe Spaces', 'Microaggressions' and 'Trigger Warnings' on US College campuses in around 2013, suggesting that these issues began with children born from around 1995.

In the same interview (and I assume in the book) Haidt talks about 'the economy of prestige in the “call out” culture'. Essentially, these people gain prestige amongst their peers by being morally outraged by something that someone has done or said and they 'call out' that person as being sexist/racist/islamophbic/[insert your ism here] sometimes even over the misinterpreted use of a single word.

I'm not sure whether it's necessarily nihilism, if anything it's a display of overactive morality. :p It certainly appears to be a case study in Hegel's idea of 'the struggle for recognition'.

I really hope it's a phase that has passed by the time my son hits secondary school.

That being said if he's being a **** he gets told he's being a **** and to pack it in.
Swedish student who grounded deportation flight faces prosecution.
. . .
Onboard the plane, Ersson carried a photograph of the young Afghan whose deportation she and other asylum activists were seeking to prevent. However, after searching the flight she found he was not on board. She decided to continue her protest to prevent the deportation of another Afghan on the flight, who it emerged had a criminal record.
. . .
Both men have since been deported from Sweden.
All's well that ends well . . . ;)
I thought I remembered this case... there's been an update, the rapist is finally gone and it only cost us £1million to get rid of him 5 years later. Surely you don't need to be a perpetually angry, spitting in your cornflakes every morning, Daily Fail reader to appreciate that something's rather wrong and we need a better system for removing people from this country who shouldn't be here (especially people who are also violent criminals/rapists).

This doesn't seem effective; 24 tribunals, a 14 week stay in a luxury hotel when he arrives back in Somalia at our expense (???) and therapy sessions... aw, you poor little rapist, lets help you resettle into Somalia in comfort. Like WTf? How is he even our responsibility at that point, inform the Somali government and kick the guy out, they can fund their own rapist resettlement program if they have concerns about their own criminals returning.

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