hifi Delusion at it's greatest?

Correct - unless there is something inbetween the socket on the wall and the amp to clean up the AC supply, in which case there may be an arguement...

In which case there's still the internal wiring in whatever mains conditioner is being used to consider.

Myself - I prefer to not be convinced of this type of stuff. It's cheaper that way. :p
The dealer I go to has £500 'kettle cables' which can be borrowed for dems. I haven't had the chance to borrow them yet... but when i do I'll let you know what I think of them!
The dealer I go to has £500 'kettle cables' which can be borrowed for dems. I haven't had the chance to borrow them yet... but when i do I'll let you know what I think of them!

Have a high quality cuppa and tell him of the magnificent difference it made to the boiling quality when you hand them back (if you dare).:D
IEC cables costing more than £10 = Snake oil

Save yer cash.

I've heard of 'audio' fuses costing £100+ also... They're directional too. :D
Have a high quality cuppa and tell him of the magnificent difference it made to the boiling quality when you hand them back (if you dare).:D
Extra points for mentioning the ensuing cup of tea had a much deeper taste with a richer aroma... ;)
regardless of the scientific propositions i think we can all agree that they are all overpriced. You could reproduce the £230 cable to a very similar spec for under £12. that you can't dispute because i will show you prices of similar parts..
CORRECT BUT the mains cable makes absolutely no difference whatsoever! what makes the difference is the supply coming into your house (youd be alarmed if you knew just how spikey and how much fluctuation a normal house recieves) and more importantly power supply regulation (to get rid of aformetnioned spikes and fluctuations)

In the case of power cables this is highly pertinent. Spike supression, DC filtering, RF filtering and potentially full ground isolation via a suitably rated transformer are things which can have an impact, a straight cable does not. All equipment should include the systems and filtering required for it's proper operation internally and hence doesn't care how it is connected to the wall socket!
I feel sorry for the poor mugs that buy this **** I really do. Actually, they must be rolling in it to be able to afford to waste it so maybe I don't.
Surely it would be much, much cheaper and healthier to go down to BUPA and get your ears syringed and decluttered of worldly smog.

I think you might have a better chance of getting a discernable improvement as well.

I'm not a rubbisher of all wires.

Speaker wire for example, can improve the sound.

However, it's physically not possible for the power cable to do so. The power is going through literally miles of old, crap and ancient cable to reach your player. How on earth is improving the cable from the wall to the player going to help?

If you say its from the point of view of reducing noise that's already in the supply surely thats a job more suited to a surge protector or UPS than a wire.
CORRECT BUT the mains cable makes absolutely no difference whatsoever! what makes the difference is the supply coming into your house (youd be alarmed if you knew just how spikey and how much fluctuation a normal house recieves) and more importantly power supply regulation (to get rid of aformetnioned spikes and fluctuations)

that is the whole point - the mains lead / ext between the wall socket in your house and the audio equipment IS what will make the difference

The supply coming in to your house is spikey and for a better word "dirty", and this feeds the mains cable / extension that you attach to your equipment which "cleans" the spikes to make it a better supply to the PSU of the equipment in question

This is exactly why it COULD (rather than definitely will) make a huge difference
Was it a blind demo when you purchased?

It was my money, and I was satisfied with the test. Is that sufficient for you?

And my offer still stands to all the people who seemingly feel that it's OK to throw stones when they have made bugger all effort to actually find out for themselves.

If you guys really aren't interested in actually proving it to yourselves, then why bother getting embroilled into a thread that you can add bugger all value to?
It was my money, and I was satisfied with the test. Is that sufficient for you?

No, of course not. I'd be an idiot if it was.

And my offer still stands to all the people who seemingly feel that it's OK to throw stones when they have made bugger all effort to actually find out for themselves.

If you guys really aren't interested in actually proving it to yourselves, then why bother getting embroilled into a thread that you can add bugger all value to?

You seem to believe that people need to have visited your house to know wtf they're talking about. Are you the only licensed host of blind Hi-Fi testing in the country or something? :confused:
It was my money, and I was satisfied with the test. Is that sufficient for you?

And my offer still stands to all the people who seemingly feel that it's OK to throw stones when they have made bugger all effort to actually find out for themselves.

If you guys really aren't interested in actually proving it to yourselves, then why bother getting embroilled into a thread that you can add bugger all value to?

being a noob in hifi, I decided to test many myths in HiFi for myself (didn't test the pwr cord, but many others), my conclusion is there are lots of idiots and charlatans - i think that the audiophile crowd take this to new heights. there may be some differences with pwr chords, but i don't believe it makes any audible difference and certainly doesn't reflect their manufacturing costs. thx for the offer but i'll pass.

PS my car is faster because i have a pure silver exhaust ;)
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From a technical standpoint (As in Iam an Electronics Engineer with 18 years experience)
I could not see this making any real difference UNLESS there are some components in it
somewhere improving noise filtering etc.
To the "buyer" have you got a decent meter at all to test out the cables characteristics
and compare against your olde cable ?
Where abouts in south London and are you about Monday evening?

I'm in Sutton (SM1 area).
Despite having been on these forums for years, still don't know how to email someone. Drop me an email and we can set something up. Will need to be post 7pm.
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