Hit by car for second time in 2 weeks

There's morons on both sides, and plenty have reared their ugly heads in this thread alone. The minority give the majority a bad name.

If cyclists obeyed the rules of the road, car drivers would have less to complain about.
If car drivers obeyed the rules of the road, cyclists would have less to complain about.
cyclists scare me - they waiver about all over the place & never in a straight line then expect all cars behind them to go at 10 mph too...
Phantom said:
they waiver about all over the place & never in a straight line then expect all cars behind them to go at 10 mph too...

That's a sweaping generalisation if ever I heard one.
Noxis said:
Sorry I think I forgot the:


In my post to make it a bit more obvious it was dripping with sarcasm :p

Congratulations, you have just become a cyclist with all that back pedalling. :p
drive a car u silly girl! bikes slow down traffic, unless u can cycle like armstrong...

Mana said:
drive a car u silly girl! bikes slow down traffic, unless u can cycle like armstrong...


No, I can't resist it...

Wow, didn't take very long for this to turn into a trainwreck...

Let's face it, motorists don't like cyclists, cyclists don't like motorists, and cats don't like dogs, it's just the way of the world. There are some stupid drivers around, just as there are some stupid cyclists around. I've done some silly things on a bike, just as I've done some silly things in a car - no one is perfect and we all make bad judgements.

Can't we all just get along? Please?

If not, I'll have to smack your wing mirror and scratch the side of your car with my brake lever until you agree. :p
Seraphim said:
Wow, didn't take very long for this to turn into a trainwreck...

Let's face it, motorists don't like cyclists, cyclists don't like motorists, and cats don't like dogs, it's just the way of the world. There are some stupid drivers around, just as there are some stupid cyclists around. I've done some silly things on a bike, just as I've done some silly things in a car - no one is perfect and we all make bad judgements.

Can't we all just get along? Please?

If not, I'll have to smack your wing mirror and scratch the side of your car with my brake lever until you agree. :p

Reminds me of that Honda add, where trucks hate buses, buses hate cars, cars hate cyclists, and eveyone hates tractors. Or something along those lines.
fallbayuk said:
And another thing, I didnt think bikes were allowed to ride on the pavement?
They're not, unless it's a marked bike lane that shares the pavement.

I remember the 'rule' when I was a kid was it's alright if you've only got one brake. Don't think that would've worked on the community support officer who stopped me when I was riding on the pavement in London, though.
pegasus1 said:
Im not that restrained, i always give chase and its surprising how appologetic people are when i open their car door and ask them if they fancy a chat about their driving.
I was cycling down a street once when a lad in a suit stepped out in front of me from between two cars cradling a substantial amount of lunchtime foodstuffs. He didnt see me but i had about 2 seconds to adopt the crash position before we met, i was only doing 10-15MPH but it was enough to send him to the floor and £20 worth of sandwitches in all other directions.
I raced to him and grabbed him by his mayonaisse splattered lapels.
We discussed the issue and both agreed that my view was the right one.
Luckily my Kona was unhurt but this lads suit was a right mess.

Excellent pov mate :D Glad the Kona was ok
weescott said:
motorbikes No
pushbikes Yes.

56: Bus Lanes. These may be used by cyclists only if the signs include a cycle symbol. Watch out for people getting on or off a bus. Be very careful when overtaking a bus or leaving a bus lane as you will be entering a busier traffic flow.

I'm starting to get worried by the fact that people don't seem to know the highway code.
I don't drive yet when I did a Highway code test at work a while ago I scored more than than those in my office who drive.
weescott said:
I don't drive yet when I did a Highway code test at work a while ago I scored more than than those in my office who drive.

Did you luck out and not get any questions on bicycles? :p ;)
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