Are there any deals going for the first one? I can't find it on Steam for some reason???
NVM: It's showing in the web browser but not the program for some strange reason.
You can get it for £22.99 from GMG But it's only £12 more to get the base version of Hitman 2 then.
What did you mean by this? The extra £12 would get me both versions?
Sorry, barking up the wrong tree. You’d have to buy the old levels for about £15 as well. Dunno what I was thinking there!
sooo, can you take a human shield in this?
It's a shame that sales figures for Hitman 2 are so low but it's too expensive for what I'd put in to it. I barely finished the first one and I only played each level the once. It's quite amusing reading @Rezident posts above about doing the maps 3-4 times.
It's a shame that sales figures for Hitman 2 are so low but it's too expensive for what I'd put in to it. I barely finished the first one and I only played each level the once. It's quite amusing reading @Rezident posts above about doing the maps 3-4 times.