Nana said:
should I be living in fear? what do you all know that I don't?
At the point of this quote I have read enough of your Trolling, shortsighted, argumentative, foolish, contradictive BS posts. You sir have wasted far too many peoples time by reiterating a point, which many people have tried to explain to you is shortsighted and not in our interests. Unfortunately it is clear that your ability to comprehend this is blinded by your inability to see past one action which the consequences have yet not fully panned out. I suggest you stop reading the daily mail or any other form of propaganda as you are clearly susceptible to it.
In 1939. No one thought Germany had an army capable of invading one country, let alone advancing across most of Europe and into Africa. Yet they did. No one thought that British interests would be attacked in the 80's and yet they were.
The simple fact of the matter is if you want peace then plan for war.
If war is upon us then building new military hardware is futile as we will not have the time or the resource to complete the construction and then train the troops to use it. If we appear weak then the nations and terrorist groups that wish us harm will become more aggressive and more likely to attack us.
No these Ships will not prevent many terrorist attacks. But they demonstrate that we take national security seriously.
In terms of world police. The US and UK are two of the countries that the world call upon in order to sort out disputes and to protect other nations. IIRC The US and UK do most of the dangerous Peace Keeping before handing over to other nations once things have settled down. IMO it is highly hypocritical that the Nations that ask us to submit our troops (mainly the UN) then say. Hang on we don’t want to get involved and don’t want you to either. Yet when they want help they turn to us first and expect us to cooperate.
IMO Iraq was about a few things.
1) finishing off the job the old man started.
2) Liberating a people trapped by Tyrant dictatorships
3) Getting a strong military presence in the middle east in order to improve negotiation and mediating power and authority
4) Proving to Rogue nations that the Western Armies are something to fear and they have the capacity to overthrow any government that mistreats its people with very little effort or loss of Western Life.
5) Oil - You do realise that the US and UK do not have to receive any profit from the sale of Iraqi oil. We will benefit due to the increase in oil available due to supply/demand. I.e. because more oil is available the cost to buy it is lower.