Home Assistant beginners

20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
I'm very tempted to have a look into HA as I have various zigbee bulbs from various manufacturers, a Hue Hub, a broadcom RM4 Pro, a Lifl Zigbee Gateway, Tuya switches and some other bits and pieces and while most of it plays reasonable nicely with Google Assistant (I have home minis in most rooms), it's lacking some useful features like being able to trigger routines using devices and/or sensors (apparently it's coming to google home but who knows when).

Can most of this stuff be setup in HA alongside the existing setups with the Hue hub etc etc? That would be great as it'll allow me to keep using what I have while I tinker with HA. Also, does HA play nicely with Google Assistant for voice control and such like?

My ideal setup would be on a Pi 4 I think, so I'm hoping that by the time I have the spare time to tinker (currently studying in my spare time), they will be more widely available again.
Absolutely - doesn't interfere at all!
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Yep givenergy and I have a solcast account which has been integrated into the givenergy portal. Furthermore I've also added the API from Octopus into givenergy app :)
Here you go, follow instructions and you should be away!

20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Here you go, follow instructions and you should be away!

This is quite handy too:

And this!
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20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
So the idea of this has always intrigued and been appealing to me, being able to have one centralised app where i can control and monitor all of my "smart" equipment.

What advice would you give to anyone who is starting their journey with this kind of automation and monitoring? I don't really know where to start or what to begin with.

At the moment the only "smart" or network connected equipment I have is a Sonos speaker, Sky box, TV and a Smart Plug (controlling a lamp via wifi through our phone). I like the idea of having more lighting that is centrally controlled and managed. Is it just a case of replacing a lot of my bulbs in the house with Hue or some of the Ikea bulbs? I'm thinking of getting motorised blinds for our kitchen and dining room, could something like that be controlled with HA? How do you know what can and can't be controlled?

In my head the most common uses for this are:
  • managing lighting
  • managing speakers
  • monitoring and managing power usage and heating
  • monitoring network stats
  • monitoring and managing cctv/security
  • im sure there are more but is there a list of all the most common use cases for this kind of thing?
I've read through most of this thread but still trying to figure out the best way to approach something like this as I don't want to just start buying things for the sake of it. I also have a slight concern about how much electricity setting up something like this will consume, if i'm buying tonnes of wifi enabled bulbs, switches, extra bits of kits.

I'm also

In terms of energy use, you're talking a raspberry pi and that's it, so tiny energy footprint. But I can say, very conservatively, it's saved me £600-700 a year. The ability to easily see what's using electricity, automatically switch on/off devices totally changes the game - ours for example does stuff that I could theoretically do, but never would - eg every night turn off all the devices on standby in the lounge, the gym, the study etc etc.

Pretty much everything can be controlled, it really is an enormous ecosystem - good tip is to simple search for it, eg 'my device home assistant '

I'd also start with simply getting home assistant set up, like most people, you'll be surprised at how many smart devices you actually have - eg your pc, your phone, your TV, etc

Then you can look at cheap options like IKEA Tradfri lights, buttons, switches etc to start your journey....!
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20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
But surely for those devices to be controllable through wifi or whatever they all need to be consuming some level of energy and "online" so to speak, so it isn't a Raspberry Pi can it?

Or are you saying it is more a case of the extra cost being negligible for someone who already has a lot of these devices controlled through different hubs/apps/systems and therefore to unify the control through HA it is only the addition of an RPi which is the added energy cost?

What makes you say it has saved you £600-700 per year? Purely from switching things on and off?
Yes exactly, it is negligible - eg if you look how much it costs you to run, say your phone, each year they're super efficient devices. Adding Bluetooth, WiFi, zigbee to a device really doesn't add a huge amount of cost, so your washing machine before it was smart and after really doesn't change, the actual use is enormous.

Energy saving:
- smart lighting - eg turning off lights that the kids constantly leave on all day (eg bathroom etc)
- knowledge - spotting lights, heaters, pcs etc have been left on - we've got two high end pcs with triple monitors in our study (thank you overclockers!), so again simply being aware of when they aren't hibernating and being able to press a button to do so, saves loads
- schedules - again smart lighting, dimming lights in evening etc all saves a bit
- off peaking - I have octopus go, so washing machines, cars etc all turn on in middle of night to charge
- likewise, even switching off my NAS at night and restarting in the morning, they use around 250w on average, so saving six hours a day - if you do the maths, eg 20-30p per kW x six hours X 365 days (then divide by four to get KW), you're talking about 20 smart devices per year in terms of even buying them in the first place, let alone their relatively tiny running cost!

The list goes on and on, but hopefully a flavour?
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Another random question. Can you ask Google to do something on HA? I.e. turn something on that's controlled by HA? I.e. I've got HA to send a WOL to one of my machines, can I link that back to Google to trigger it?
Lots of ways to achieve this - indeed you can even remove yourself from the cloud dependency entirely if you wanted, check out this:

Nabu casa makes it simple if you want to use GA for the voice processing as Semple says - there's a few other approaches:

And many more - really depends on how you use, so more one to browse and pick what suits you best!
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
That's a much better use case than my car unlock/lock also triggering the dishwasher.
Or my husband or thought it'd be REALLY funny to create an automation that would change the sensor in our hall so it turned the lights red and starting playing scary music through all the sonos speakers in the house when home alone....
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Holy **** I got it working. I can now tell google to turn on Plex, and it sends a WOL packet to my plex server which turns on! This is ******* awesome! :D
You getting my point now FF?? It is game changing once you start to get your head around it - and I love the community, you really need to get into the habit of searching '<name of device> home assistant' in google - even things that aren't smart and you're certain can't be integrated, there'll be someone who's worked it out. I've actually wasted a fair bit of money from NOT doing this enough - eg bought energy saving plugs when if I'd known that you could buy much cheaper ones that Home Assistant through ESPHome could flash the firmware and 'upgrade' for free (and get rid of dodgy chinese apps), bought wifi dongles, bluetooth extenders, things like my harmony hub that Home Assistant could do already....
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
I'm running ZHA to control my devices, I've seen other people use Zigbee2MQTT to do similar, is there any benefit using one over the other?
It's a bit Windows vs Mac - so no huge difference. Z2MQWTT maybe has a tiny bit more stable integrations, but really not that noticeable. Meanwhile ZHA seems to be more 'the future' and HA seem to focus on it more, so in a year's time I'd imagine I'd say ZHA more confidently....
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Occupancy simulation! I’d love to have the time and knowledge to be able to “record” a weeks activity (I think it does this anyway) and then play it back whilst away for a week.
By default it'll do this, or if you want to be really cool, get some mmwave sensors that are so sensitive they'll detect you breathing in a room (good as normal motion sensors will only detect larger movements, so when you're sleeping, sitting down watching telly etc, they may not report correctly)

**edit sorry, misread your comment - thought you meant tracking occupancy. Yes it does, although this is handy more broadly in allowing you to create schedules for everything: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/scheduler-card-custom-component/217458

You could obviously do this all manually with automations, but handy view to have in one place when you're getting more complex (like occupancy simulation)
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20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Ok here's a challenge for you experts - how does one do a remote shutdown command from HA for a PC? :D

I don't seem to have the HA Store for some reason? Is that because I installed it as a docker? That said, happy to do manual installation.

I take your shut down and raise you a 'complete control over your PC'

Really neat app which will report an almost endless stream of sensors from your pc (CPU, ram, HD temp, current window - almost endless) and allow an endless list of commands (loads of usual - eg shutdown, hibernate etc, but can run any command at all), turns your PC into a media device to extend your sonos and tonnes more....
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Im still a bit lost with this, i assume for washing machines, dishwashers, stuff like that, it needs to be a "smart" appliance? And you can't just do it with a bog standard Beko?
I still don't really know what i'd use it for over unified lighting, blinds and heating control...
Just try it.... ;)

To your point, some people get a cheap smart energy plug and plug their washing machine into this to track energy usage and so on. In terms of other things, it really depends - I've got views of local motorway webcams along my commute, so I can check traffic, Local weather with realtime satellite maps, computer monitors to check temps, network activity, constant broadband speed test (and ping) and loads more - so you don't just need smart devices....!
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Superb thanks - that’s this Saturday sorted!

I do think if it’s logged it should be fairly simple to play it back automatically as long as the HA apis for the actions are similar enough to what’s logged.
Yeah exactly, it'd probably be interesting to throw together a page to show activity of your lights, music etc and then you can play with the schedule card for the action, then create a button entitled 'Home Alone Mode' and you're away... !

On a serious note, you could think about more than a single use for this - eg look at the patterns of lights you use in the morning, evening etc and then automate that for yourself, so not just for when you're away from home.
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Super happy with this:

Is there an ELI5 to graph my energy cost data over the past 7 days?

Starting simple, just something like this:

Same as all the other cards to add, just change the values to suit (think it'll default to 24hrs, just change that to 7d)

There's obviously more complex and useful approaches, but I'm trying to break you noobs in gently..... ;)
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Cool, I got them for free so was worth a shot !
Again never heard of them, but they appear Google Assistant/Alexa compatible, so you'll be able to control them using HA's integrations for that.

Also they look suspiciously like some tuya ones that you can flash and upgrade using esphome, so could be worth having a good Google/asking in HA discord/forums?
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