
Just started playing, looks decent so far, gameplay is not bad and guns seem good.

It's quite like COD in some ways though.

Playing maxed with 4xaa 1920x1200 res 60+fps constant so it runs good however it doesn't have DX11 implemented which i think will be soon in a patch.
Got mine pre-orderd from ages ago just got usual GAME e-mail saying its processing, but as its being bought for me im happy =]

Its getting good reviews nothing terrible just what i expected so i doubt ill be complaining i bought it for the multi player really anyway as i only have CS on my PC for multi player rest of my games i.e. BC2 etc are on PS3
What confuses me is that the Xbox footage i saw people dropped dead almost instantly, yet the PC footage everyone took entire clips to die.

Please tell me the guns don't all sound terribad ><
Got mine pre-orderd from ages ago just got usual GAME e-mail saying its processing, but as its being bought for me im happy =]

Its getting good reviews nothing terrible just what i expected so i doubt ill be complaining i bought it for the multi player really anyway as i only have CS on my PC for multi player rest of my games i.e. BC2 etc are on PS3

how long you been a pc gamer?
For years to be honest, I do own many pc games FEAR Series, Half-Life Series, Crysis1 (Which is gfx amazing but game itself is dog turd) Getting Crysis2 thou as their good from technical stand points.

Only PC games i play on regulary basis is Star Craft2, CS 1.6, But i have many others Mafia2 and ones named above along with Unreal Tournameant Series 1 and 2k4 being the best but all time fav shooter is Quake3 Team Arena, Reason im getting this on PC is cause most of people i know are getting it on PC + Its cheaper and its being bought for me so id rather they dont spend more if they dont have to, I play more on consols due to PC games generally being ports from consols anyway

Going back to Homefront now, Single player is from what ive heard being marked as good but short, Well long as its good id rather have a good 5hour story than and 5hour crap story.
Hmmm just played a multiplayer map with ground control mode which is same as COD domination except you get 2 rounds and when 1 completes you move to the area nearby which is kind of cool.

The map was fairly small about same size as COD maps, downside was i had 0 players connect to the server which i think is due to me owning a US copy but connecting to UK servers so they will be empty or near it.

I controlled a small tank which was like a remote control car you can view inside of via camera and shoot from it was quite nice but i can see it being powerful.:p

Adding some pics soon of the map.




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It looks better in motion, the shadows look good and the buildings....also the multiplayer menus are a lot like BFBC2/COD because you select what stuff your char wants exactly like them and you get levels with points of doing things.

Going to try some more SP soon when done eating...what annoyed me though is it seems the game could be censored as my version was plus some others. :( (they have a different actor for the Korean leader guy)

The guns do seem to react different so far but i've only tried 4.
It practically IS CoD Black Ops if you consider the killstreaks as being vehicles... seriously if you already own it you might aswell just go and play it a bit more till this comes down in price which given the lack of marketing shouldn't take long.

At least the guy doing this pc demo doesn't suck ass like the last guy >< But i digress... looks decent but also generic so no reason to not wait for a bit till it drops in price.
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