Horizon: Zero Dawn [PS4]

This is a stunning game!... I grabbed a copy from Tesco first thing this morning and spent most of the day playing, and I'm not keen to stop. It is maybe the best looking title I've played on PS4, or any platform for that matter... the world is simply beautiful (stunning actually) and its a technical masterwork, with only a few niggles here and there. My son started his own game this evening, and it was mesmerizing to watch him play through the opening chapters, even though I'd only just done them.

I found the game-play quite complex and awkward to start with, but when it 'clicks' it feels simply amazing.... and liberating. An open world with a host of possibilities. I really like the changes of pace, with frantic combat, coupled with periods of gathering/ crafting etc.... I can't see this being beaten this year, or next... or.

Just got the

time for fun!

Climbing mountains now, found a huge one in the distance.. Bear Grylls.. ACTIVATE!

Ah.. tells you to turn back or the save game gets reloaded.. :(
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I've got to talk to Kirk for a TripCaster. Sod that, I'm having fun being hunted by these Tomy Horses! Hugely enjoying the hunting at the moment. The visuals are breath taking. Facial animations in the cut scenes are beyond Uncharted 4 in the early stages...
There needs to be a STFU option for Anara or whatever her name is, who is trapped on a platform high above 4x Watchers. She's miles away yet Aloy can hear her so loudly!
Still on the Kirk/Tripcaster mission. Have been too busy hunting and only just realised that I'm Lv7 and have 7 skill points to spend! :p :o
Home from work. Had to delete some old games to make room, but installing now.

Sadly I have an early start at work tomorrow, so I have to go to bed shortly. Won't be able to play it till tomorrow night :(

EDIT: Decided to stay up a little longer if only to play through the intro. My god this game is incredible looking!
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...and its terribly addictive. Feels like a mix of Avatar, Transformers and Heavenly Sword.
With it feeling like I've just finished rise of the tomb raider this feels comically the same gameplay wise!
Pretty good so far, few annoyances;

- The sounds coming through the pad
- The story takes far too long to get going

Games looks spectacular though, and runs smooth as silk.
How much of the usual open world stuff is there in this? Keep hearing far cry comparisons and that's what's held me back so far. Is the story enough to outweigh that stuff?
Turn your controller sound down. That's what I did as there is unbelievably no option to turn it off. Lol. :rolleyes:

Fantastic so far though. Love the little details ! Like, how young aloy sort of skips to a jog/run. Etc
Far Cry Primal-esque crafting. Pick up this plant/scavenge this from the enemy. There is loot boxes around. You have to advance in the story to travel everywhere, some areas are "locked" and forbid you to go any further.
Hunting the Sawtooth was tense but managed it. Then upon heading back to daddy, I run into a heap of lazer firing Scrappers...and then it starts pelting it down with rain! :o
OMG what a game!

Utterly drawn in by the cut scenes (the animations are incredible) and overall atmosphere of world that has been created. I had to force myself to stop playing due to the need to actually sleep but can't wait to get back on it tomorrow evening.
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