Horrible Accident

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Was this not mentioned in the local rags then where he lives? A story like this captures the very essence of christmas and any journalist/newspaper would snap it up... and i'd be interested to see an article if one was written? :)

psychas, any further development on this?
Its a bigger lie than Clintons "i did not have sexual relations with that woman". This captures the very essence of a persons ability to talk rubbish online with no fear of consequences.
If I'm being brutally honest, I thought he was fibbing from the get go after seeing some of the tripe he used to post in the graphics forum. Wouldn't surprise me and that's the reason I didn't "Congratulate" him ;)

Essentially the same feelings here. It's a shame i'm so cynical, but then in the past i knew someone online through a gaming clan for a couple of years who we eventually discovered had fabricated his entire life for us. The internet is a funny thing.
The internet is for recreation, if anything momentus happens then its usually a while before you'd post it online. If the op has been heroic more power to him but so far he is liar in my eyes.
Well, he has been online and posting quite a few times since starting this thread. To me, it looks suspiciously like he's avoiding it for some reason.
Anyone with a soul and working limbs would have done the same thing.

What, lied on the interweb?

I hate to be such a cynic, but I've had psychas' posts hidden for yonks before this - not only does he write utter tripe, but it's incomprehensible to boot.

I call shenanigans.
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