Horrific Crash on M6

I drove an Italian ,LHD Truck for 3 years without any problems at all , but you would be surprised with just how many euro trucks have English drivers.

One thing that can and does cos a lot of accidents is following too close to another HGV in a LHD, you can't see what's happening in the other lanes, all you need is some standing traffic in front and its a recipe for disaster, one thing us UK drivers are aware of this and hang back more, same with blind spots we know were they are having the experience of driving mostly in the UK.

I am gutted for the family and all involved in this tragedy.
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the aftermath was quite something though. the tail backs were massive, and added at least 20-30mins to my journey to work. No biggie but considering i was travelling the complete opposite way, it just goes to show how dangerous and utterly stupid our own drivers are on the road, i.e WHY clog a junction if you KNWO you cant get through and it will in effect cut everyone else off from being able to go through or around the back of said traffic:/ thats why M62 Junction 18 was so bad this morning. and it caused tailbacks passed the oldham jnuction like 3 earlier on the southbound..
Terrible news that, i know a AA guy and a father of 4 that was killed a nuber of years ago, by a tiring HGV:( This particular case was wierd as the traffic was going quite slowly due to the previous incident.

Yesterday was a really crappy day on the roads, the M6/M1 bit was closed for a while aswell.The standard of driving is getting worse now, and has been for a while, rubberneckers, reps doing 120mph,vans doing 100, idiots doing 50 in the inside lane, all round rubbish:(

I just hope they died quickly and didnt burn to death, such an aweful way to die if they did.

I heard on the news that the car was crushed between two lorries to about 2/3 of its original size and then almost instantly burst into flame. It would be a mercy if they had all died due to the impact before the flames came. :(
Terrible news that, i know a AA guy and a father of 4 that was killed a nuber of years ago, by a tiring HGV:( This particular case was wierd as the traffic was going quite slowly due to the previous incident.:(

Odds are its the usual, traffic has come to a hault, these people have been unlucky and been at the back of the pack, HGV driver isn't looking at the road and slam one squashed car and 5 dead people :(

I hate being at the back of the pack when the motorway comes to a hault its just asking for trouble.
Looking at the latest BBC news report the car ended up under the truck then set alight :(

Its bad enough when one person dies but when a family gets taken out like that particually with such a large age range involved :(
If he gave a more detailed point of view as to why he wasn't surprised at it being a foreign driver, I (and sure the others) would have put more effort in. That was the whole reason for the short replies!

Ah said the person who inserted a smile and no detailed point of his post, oh the irony!

Just seen a more detailed report on the BBC and it looks like a very shocking and sad way to go :( :( :(
like a lot of people i have driven that piece of motorway 100s of times and been stuck in queues many of those.

I take it in these situations doesent matter how safe your car is your pretty much gone, appart from the m6 incident with the acid lorry this is the most shocking incident i can remember; terrible for all involved :(
Given the stories you hear about foreign truck drivers who often dont maintain their vehicles to the same vigourous standards as UK drivers, who often have less regard for road rules and most importantly are driving a large vehicle that already suffers from numerous blind spots with a foreign configuration (ie, left hand drive), the original statement isn't really that far off the mark. As someone has said, anyone who has driven on Portugese roads will also know theat they can be 'exciting', to say the least.

I'm not saying that the driver was definately at fault, but you should consider that Fothsns statement was not meant in a racist sense before jumping all over him.

Bang on the money.

I was also also not surprised to hear of this involving a Foreign Registered HGV, I'm now off to sign up with the BNP.... :rolleyes:

The foreign plated trucks around here seem to drive to their own law, they use slip roads and roundabouts as laybys.

Foreign registered trucks get away with things UK registered trucks don't - Coppers often move RHD trucks on whilst ignoring LHD ones parked in absurd places.

Doesnt this say a lot

We can all sit here and be armchair experts, but the trained police investigators at the scene had reason to suspect the lorry driver is at fault.

Regardless of whether he is guilty or not, the fact there is grounds for suspicion says at all.

And whats with the jumping in the person who said it was a supprise the lorry driver was foreign ? 5th gear have been here years ago about the increasing accident rates of left hand drive trucks on englands roads.

And RA420LX620 (or whatever his username is, whats wrong with steve or something ? :D) has many a time warned us about the poor standards of foreign truckers with regards vehicle upkeep and following EU directives on ammount of time allowed on the road etc..

Its not uncommon for HGV drivers to be arrested under suspicion until the accident is investigated, the key word is suspiscion, until they know of the full picture, the HGV is the most likely cause......

My guess is the LHD truck was doing his usual thing, watching a DVD, playing with his lap top, & just a bit sleepy after 20+ hours of driving and he simply did not notice the slow traffic ahead of him.....

Steve. ;) :D
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I gotta say whilst the foreign trucks do seem to be a bit iffy over here, I never seem to get into any dicey situations when im driving in europe, the lorries over there seem to sit in the inside lane all the time.

This is a horrific crash though, one of the our HGV guys was done not long back for watching a DVD on his laptop, brit dude, the **** only got a community service sentance:(
Just to jump on the portugeuse band wagon, we've got a guy at work whos from Portugal...he drives like a **** and i suspect he wont slow down until hes involved in a big crash (hopefully not involving any innocent people)
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