
I'm expecting a rather wordy explanation appears on the Tesco website later this morning, but whatever they say, it'll be like shutting the stable door, after the horse has bolted...

Do you mind eating horse?

Does anyone know which bits of the horse go in? :p


More testicles mean more iron!
Why is horse meat even being processed in the UK? There is no market for it.

So how can contamination occur? It can't be much of a shortcut as surely beef is cheaper than sourcing horse meat.
I have no issues with horse being eaten. I would probably buy a horse steak just to try it. I'd rather it said it contained horse on the label though. Same with any other animals.
I know a few people who keep/love chickens (you can't ride a chicken). Most people who keep/love cows or goats or sheep or pigs will still send them to slaughter for a good roast dinner. Whats the problem here?

We are carnivores. We are built to be carnivores. May as well enjoy the bounty of the world rather than being tied up in some exclusionary idealism. Even Vegetarians need protein supplements.

We're adapted to being omnivores, not carnivores, and vegetarians don't need protein supplements if they know enough (starting with the fact that it's not about protein, it's about amino acids).

We don't eat horses in the UK because that's the custom here. It doesn't have to make any sense.
Umm.. I bet a horse burger is more than a beef burger.. Therefore this is full of win. Tesco should promote it as a freebee
I've said it in another thread.

Nothing wrong with horse meat. However, if you want a beef burger you expect beef, not bulked out with horse or other meats.

It's one of the main reasons I keep away from processed meats and foods like this. No need to do so when it takes less than 10 mins to make your own.
I'm surprised no one has quoted this interesting part of the BBC article: said:
Meanwhile, Silvercrest Foods and Dalepak both said they had never bought or traded in horse product and have launched an investigation into two continental European third-party suppliers.

Presumably Tesco and others had vetted the processing plant but the plant was getting meat from dodgy continental European suppliers.

Just read about this and apparently Tesco have pulled the burgers :(

They were my favorite burgers, I don't really care whats in them they tasted great :(
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