Is there a plan for everyone to be moved over to water meters, similarly to the plan for everyone to be on smart meters for electric.
That is the eventual aim, yes.
I'm confused, if he pays his water bill where is the issue. Do people have the same feelings about serial gas or electricity wasters.
Water is a communal supply and shortages are far more likely than electricity.
As far as i'm concerned i can use as much water as i like, if the supplier needs to increase delivery than charge a bit more and fix it so we don't have this issue.
Because people are bitching about meters and wanting to stay on rates, that means we'd have to increase rates for the whole of Manchester (well, your catchment, at least) just so you can use as much as you like.
People don't like paying for others' usage.
More people in the UK than ever can you remember when the last major water reservoir was built ?
Roughly yes, although I can look up the exact dates of all of them. We've moved over to a lot of smaller models and alternative storage since, though.
We have several new large ones we're trying to get built, but like most things - NOBODY wants it built anywhere near them, the local councils want fees paying for every inch of road that we'd even touch during the build, and the Environment Agency doesn't like building of any kind... so you'll have to just not get any water.
They make profit year on year, yet put the red target on the customer to save water instead of them fixing major leaks and upgrading infrastructure accordingly.
Oh, fix the leaks.... sure. When shall we do that, then? Today? Tomorrow? Sorry, local council won't let us in for 3 weeks. Fix another leak? Sorry, can't get to it as some company built your lovely fast fibre internet and electrical stuff over the top. Fix a different one? Sorry, that requires parking suspensions, and someone built a listed building over the top of it. Fix that big one over there? Yeah, no worries - Track possession is already booked... earliest they would give us is 2039. Next?
Upgrade the infrastructure... Oh yeah, sure. We'll just take down the train lines for the next year or so, pay for replacement bus services, suspend a whole bunch of main roads, do the upgrades and then hike your bills accordingly.
I don't think you realise just how involved such things are now that civilisation has expanded over everything, or just how many different groups and individuals will oppose our work, either so they can claim a cut of the fees or just so they can complain to the Daily Fail...
Oh, and "profits"..... yeah, do you have a pension? Most of our shareholders and investors are pension schemes. That's something that so often gets forgotten in all the whiny 'water company profits' articles...
We do not live a desert, enough water drops here to sort it out.
You think that's all there is to it?
Feel free to come take over and sort it out, then... All yours!!