On the Metoffice website they have levels 1-4. Currently at level 3 heatwave for some of the UK.
What on earth is a level 4 National Emergency?
And did we ever have one before during Summer. I mean I can imagine the snow/cold resulting in workplaces closing etc...
Nevermind. Found it. and for those interested
Level 4: National Emergency
This is reached when a period of cold weather is so severe and/or prolonged that its effects extend outside health and social care, such as transport or power or water shortages, and/or where the integrity of health and social care systems is threatened. At this level, illness and death may occur among the fit and healthy, and not just in high-risk groups and will require a multi-sector response at national and regional levels. The decision to go to a Level 4 is made at national level and will be taken in light of a cross-Government assessment of the weather conditions, coordinated by the Civil Contingencies Secretariat (Cabinet Office). A Level 4 alert is a judgement made in light of this cross-Government assessment and, depending on the severity of the conditions and impact, could be declared over any time period.
Continue actions as per Level 3 unless advised to the contrary