I didn't even realise it was nice out until I stepped out of the office into a wall of heat. My AC in my car is broken so I nearly died on the way home. 31C!
You can't win !

I know right! One minute its cold, then suddenly 30c heat appears from nowhere and it's too hot. You just can't win ;).

Actually where I live its not even that bad. Was cloudy and hot to begin with then clear skys all of a sudden, but i'd say only around 24c.
I take it back, I said as long as it doesn't rain ill be happy,
Far to hot, 4 litres gone in just a 10mile hike up sugar loaf, was going to do double that, saying that feet didnt stand up well in my temp boots anyway over 5 plasters on my left foot and still it's ******* painful and blistered. Scarpa where oh where are my boots.
Working nights, woke up around 2pm wet through. sleeping during the day in this weather is a nightmare. Still shouldn't complain, I still prefer it to the usual weather.

Went for a stroll in Manchester centre and the women. It's like they all get fitter or maybe it's just that little bit of extra flesh on show that does it, I am such a shallow person I know. :D
5th cold shower since 4pm

I will probably have around 8-9 this evening, big bottle of frozen water is ready to be pulled out of the freezer as a survival tool for the night ahead
I've had enough of this foreign weather.

Send them back.

I want some of it. 4 hot days this summer 7 marginally above average and then rain, more rain and in case we got bored more ******! rain. Rained for most of today. Still, meant to get marginally above average temp day tomorrow with no rain :D.
I spent most of the day in a server room trying to get two Cisco routers working and I had my coat on!

Now i'm sitting at home wearing only my pants, every move I make means I break out in a sweat.
29 degrees in my living room with all the windows and balcany door open :mad:

Just got back from Greece 2 days ago which was hotter but at least i had air con in the hotel room and a great pool and beautiful sea to jump in.


My car said it was 34.5 degrees outside and that was after driving it for a while. It said 37 when i got in it after work!
Been doing a shipboard firefighting course this week, which involves wearing a full firefighting outfit, including a BA set, which isn't ideal. The casualty search team for today's exercise had a few heat casualties itself, and when my section went into to actually fight the fire in the neighbouring compartment, the IR camera the instructors had was telling them it was circa 250 Celcius. :eek:

By the time we got out after 25 minutes in there my legs were like pillars of jelly, I barely made it up the final ladder and out onto the deck. A few of the standby lads had to grab me to stop me stumbling back down the hatch. I had definite signs of heat exhaustion.
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