Stuck in a AC office all day, commute with the Ac on full and now sat at home with the AC on,

god i love air conditioning! :D

Only people understand how it works. There is one woman in my office that insists she must have her window wide open on a hot day, which is fine for her but half the office don't sit next to a window. So we ask her to close it so we can turn the air con on and she's throws a massive fit.

I keep telling her that is she closes it, the air con will perform much better but she just can't get her head around having the windows closed can make the room cooler.

I asked her today why she closes her fridge door, by her logic her food would be much cooler if she left it open.
Only people understand how it works. There is one woman in my office that insists she must have her window wide open on a hot day, which is fine for her but half the office don't sit next to a window. So we ask her to close it so we can turn the air con on and she's throws a massive fit.

I keep telling her that is she closes it, the air con will perform much better but she just can't get her head around having the windows closed can make the room cooler.

I asked her today why she closes her fridge door, by her logic her food would be much cooler if she left it open.

Sadly enough not uncommon, the other one that gets me (or did when I still worked in an office with air con, gods how I miss ye), is when people know damn well it's gonna be a hot as **** day and won't turn the aircon on until it's already reached a stupid temperature and then spend the best part of an hour getting mardy it's not working fast enough. Used to drive me mental when I was on the second shift.

No one will be complaining about the heat today. :p
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