Everyone loves to blame the landlords, however before the markets crashed the homeownership rate in the UK was 74% - a record high. Property was already "out of reach" of those still moaning today.
Just because the landlord can afford to buy it but you cannot does not mean it is the landlords fault.
Property values rise and fall with demand. Demand increases based on infrastructure and opportunity, if you're getting pushed out of your area due to rising prices you either use that as motivation to work your way up to your aspiration, or move to a location where you're happy.
You don't moan and cry and blame someone else for simply living their own life.
We are not in the animal kingdom anymore, survival of the fittest turned into survival of the richest - either way the motivated and/or intelligent triumph.
Modern times provide much more help to the lazy which unfortunately allows them to breed perpetually within their cycle, but that is a great benefit if you live in the UK as you can get housing for free if circumstances warrant - moaning that you can't afford to buy the nice house over there in the nice area stinks of privilege.
Just because the landlord can afford to buy it but you cannot does not mean it is the landlords fault.
Property values rise and fall with demand. Demand increases based on infrastructure and opportunity, if you're getting pushed out of your area due to rising prices you either use that as motivation to work your way up to your aspiration, or move to a location where you're happy.
You don't moan and cry and blame someone else for simply living their own life.
We are not in the animal kingdom anymore, survival of the fittest turned into survival of the richest - either way the motivated and/or intelligent triumph.
Modern times provide much more help to the lazy which unfortunately allows them to breed perpetually within their cycle, but that is a great benefit if you live in the UK as you can get housing for free if circumstances warrant - moaning that you can't afford to buy the nice house over there in the nice area stinks of privilege.