By buying up the housing stock to add to their portfolios, BTL landlords know exactly what they are doing. You know what you are doing, and it's pointless to pretend otherwise.
This is all there is to it. Every single person who acts like they don't understand this are just trying to hard to not understand. There's supply and demand, if you dry up all the supply by a combination of not building and BTL mega landlords buying up everything, it's pretty clear what happens to house prices for FTBs.
You can get a house for free if you don't want to work for it, this is the UK not India.
If you can't afford to live near your office you sacrifice until you can afford it, if you need to work harder also to do that then thats a choice we can also make.
Moaning does nothing.
There are issues with housing and prices in this country, but they are not the fault of landlords.
Wanting sensible policies that help people is not moaning. It's called progress. Any policy that benefited people started from those of us who pointed out to problems and searched for solutions, and those people faced opponents like you who blamed everything on the victims and told people to get over it.
The only people I see moaning are people who are triggered that others are mean to almighty landlords and don't have their best interest at heart. Do you want to turn landlords into a protected class? Would that stop you from moaning about how unfair everyone is to poor landlords? You're the one moaning while telling others (who don't moan) to stop moaning.