How about a Linux gallery?

I know, i've done it several times before. It just takes time. And i'm a lazy ****er :p

Automated installation, post-installation shell script to add extra packages and configure everything. Store all necessary config files in a Git repo and you can pretty much just set it going and walk away to drink lots of tea. Now that is lazy. :p
Switched from Linux Mint 11 to Fedora 15, Gnome 3 isn't that bad once when you get used to it.


Finally set up Linux on my laptop the way I like it - I've got openbox installed but am still figuring it out, but for now I spent time just working on getting gnome set up nicely. It's nothing special, Mint 11, Carbon + Faenaz, Docky. I'd like to go with a more lightweight WM as I know that it will improve the battery life on my laptop to ~4.5hrs... Soon. :)
Ditched Win7 on my laptop and installed Linux Mint 11, I got to say I really like it, and it looks and feels faster, and just beautiful! :D

I cracked and had to have a look at gnome 3.2 to see if it was as terrible as everyone makes out. You know what? It's not anywhere near as bad as I was expecting, think I'll stick to OpenBox though, old habits die hard.

Also, the opensource ati driver handles 2d and simple 3d pretty well, think I'll be sticking to it since I don't game on this OS anyway.

Oh, and screenshot of Gnome3.2 (with very minor tweaks to the panel and GTK3 theme).
cpan[4]> install cpan
Warning: Cannot install cpan, don't know what it is.
Try the command

i /cpan/

to find objects with matching identifiers.

cpan[5]> how the **** dont you know what cpan is?????????????
Unknown shell command 'how'. Type ? for help.

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