How about a Linux gallery?

Bit of an update :) Openbox as usual, with Conky providing the clock. Tint2 is providing the system tray (ps3mediaserver, Thunderbird and Rythmbox all running). I found the wallpaper from the Windows desktop thread :)


Bit busier:

The busier shot has aterm as my terminal of preference (doing en 'emerge -uDpv world') and shows off a few games in the menu, some old, some new :)

Linux distribution is of course Gentoo :)

my linux mint 10 debian desktop. nothing special.

are you running that as a virtual machine or on a secondary PC?
I just made the switch to Lubuntu, I will post a screen later but there isn't much to see! My full install size with everything I need is a tiny 1.9GB, and that is without removing all of the useless games etc. Its lightning fast too compared to every other disro I've tried :o
I just made the switch to Lubuntu, I will post a screen later but there isn't much to see! My full install size with everything I need is a tiny 1.9GB, and that is without removing all of the useless games etc. Its lightning fast too compared to every other disro I've tried :o

I also use LXDE, straight oh debian. I understand everyone wants snazzy transparency and wobbly windows, but what I really want it speed, especially in a terminal. So it's 'mrxvt', gkrellm, and nothing else !
Here we go, took some work to getting it looking pretty nice whilst retaining all of that amazing low resource speed of LXDE :).
Menu button and panel background made by myself, theme is Orta with 1px grey border added to define windows better, wallpaper from deviantart.

Full install with everything I need = 2.0GB.

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Is there a low resource (LXDE) accelerated window manager around (ie hardware based transparency)? Something that doesn't need to drag the gigabytes of KDE&|gnome garbage.. ?
Looks lovely, what are the downsides of Joli OS? I'm presuming its pretty much just an internet based OS? can you install programs, for example NZB programs for binary downloading?
Not a whole lot has changed since my last shot, slimmed conky, same font, same tint2, redid my xresources, changed my background, I think I've maybe tweaked font hinting but thats about it.

Looks lovely, what are the downsides of Joli OS? I'm presuming its pretty much just an internet based OS? can you install programs, for example NZB programs for binary downloading?

As you can see, I've pushed applets into the top panel and since Joli OS is really ubuntu LTS with HTML5 frontend you can install anything from the ubuntu repositories :D

I've got a heck of a lot installed on mine - all accessed via the menu applet or right keyboard key
Install what you like on Joli OS - please excuse my gimp skills I'm hopeless at graphics


If you mean you gimped the entire screenshot then your gimp is ace ... otherwise I'm stumped, no image :-)

edit: oh lol .. I see you brushed your name out .. my bad ... yea your gimp skills suck ;)
It's that time of the month again, reworked my Xresources, burgled from the solarized suite, as is my vim colour scheme. Same old tint2 as always, same old urxvt (decided to just run the daemon to save myself a whole meg or two of ram hah). Redid my conky a little, grown too used to having bars at the top and bottom now.

Strangely my ram usage is creeping up as firefox remains oppened, on a fresh boot I'm probably looking at ~ 150MB of usage withe everything but firefox up, and about 300MB with it up.
There are a few browsers on the Arch forums Community Contributions board designed specifically for tilling, might be worth a look? Depends what you want from it i guess.
Yeah I'm in the process of making my way over to awesomewm and luakit, just haven't taken the plunge fully yet (some of my firefox plugins are just way too convenient to ditch right now unfortunately)
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