How about a Linux gallery?

kiwi said:
Ubuntu with the awesome gimmie running. Also the new gnome-control-centre for those that are interested.

Im liking that a lot :) Very tempted to go onto Linux as Main O/S since I hardly game any more.
Ubuntu Studio 7.04

I'm using gDesklets StarterBar with the animation and labels off.

mortals. looks like a gnome panel to me.
^ nice (the Ubuntu one, didn't see the xfce one til after I posted, pretty cool too) :)

Haven't posted one for a while, was just messing with mythtv, not that I have a tv card :p,

Same old window manager, e17 :)
Hey cb_linus, is that Engage you have running there as a task bar? How did you get it running with E17? I tried everything but couldn't compile it as a module and i couldn't find a standalone version :(

I really like enlightenment, but i cant use it without a task bar of some kind, and the ibox thing sucks
It's called itask_ng, and is a module for e17. If you have e17 installed then just do (as a normal user):

svn co itask-module/itask_ng
cd itask-module/itask_ng/itask_ng/
make install

and it should show up in e17's modules list, just add it to a full size shelf :) It seems to be under heavy development too, which is probably a good sign :)

edit: there's also e_modules taskbar, which (if I remember correctly) is a bit like the standard taskbar in Windows, KDE, Gnome etc.
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Some nice looks here!... I've gotta get mine lookin spanky now!.. though I'm new to this Linux milarky!.. :)

I'll see what I can do!..
Sim :)
No mate, I have a self built machine and seeing as I use Ubuntu, I opened the Ubuntu homepage :)

Just thought - that doesn't break forum rules does it as they are advertising Dell? I'll stick a new screenshot up if it does!
I got so jealous looking at some of the desktops, I wiped out windows on my laptop and slap on ubuntu 7, only to find that is not so easy to customize it.... :mad:

I played to different distro of linux but never gone into deeply, as me and linux have always been an on and off affair... and I mainly keep my macbook and windows desktop standard, so much so that I still use classic style in windows xp.... but I will post a screen shoot as soon as I'm happy with it. - it may take away :mad:
Would love to know how to customize like this.

Does anyone have any good sites with guides on please that they can recommend?
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