How about a Linux gallery?

Nothing outstanding, only have my laptop with me so can only post that one. Ubuntu - gnome with XGL avant on the bottom for open applications and a GDesklets launcher on the right (would usually be further up on the desktop, but moved it for the screenshot, to show tilda), assorted other GDesklet widgets on the desktop too.

Nice desktop background.

Shot of the taskbar preview in action.

Shot of Expo

I finally managed to get Compiz-Fusion running! It is awesome. There are loads of effects that a screenshot does not justice.

There are one or two quirks but I think it is still only BETA.
No it isn't one of mine. I will find the link shortly :)


Here we go

Interfacelift is an awesome website for finding wallpapers.

Compiz-Fusion is very good but as I said, has a few problems. Most annoying one I have found is for some reason when I use a skydome with the desktop cube a floor and back "wall" is sort of superimposed over it. So you can see some obvious shading which ruins the image. Nothing I have tried gets rid of it either.

Another annoyance is binding keys to actions [for the different effects], you can't just "type" it, you have to write it out using tags - <Shift><Alt>P for instance. And sometimes it refuses to let you have certain combinations. At first I thought it was because another effect used it, but some effects let you share the same combination as another. As you can see that could get tiresome.

However, apart from the above irksome aspects Compiz-Fusion comes out the box pretty much looking awesome - most effects are pretty spot on without you configuring them.

I suppose that's your reward for it being such a pain in the arse to install :p
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Compiz-fusion looked that good I had to have a shot myself! Most impressive, just seems to have a bit of added smoothness that's missing in Beryl (not that Beryl's slow by any means you understand). The user interface for configuration could do with a bit of work though, not as polished as Beryl manager just yet.

Will post a screenshot or two, when I can prise the g/f off of XP + "auction site" :)

From what I have read Compiz-Fusion is a combination of Compiz and Beryl. I agree that the config manager isn't all that great and you're not always sure what some of the plugins do.

However, it is only in the early stages and can only get better. In fact, since I installed it last week it has received about 4 updates.
for i386

# Extras Repository (GPG key: E504A4BB)

deb feisty extras

deb-src feisty extras

for AMD64

# amd64 Extras Repository (GPG key: E504A4BB)
deb feisty amd64
deb-src feisty amd64

to add the key

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys E504A4BB

gpg --export --armor E504A4BB | sudo apt-key add -

Full guide here
It probably wont be long. A few of the mentioned quirks aside it is extremely stable. Only had one crash so far and that was probably my fault - I like poking things :p
SiriusB said:
It probably wont be long. A few of the mentioned quirks aside it is extremely stable. Only had one crash so far and that was probably my fault - I like poking things :p

Shouldn't be too long. The Ubuntu development team are aiming to have Compiz-Fusion as the default WM for Gutsy. Obviously this only when the installer detects suitable graphics/drivers combo - it will fall back to Metacity otherwise.
I'm running Gutsy (I'd post a screenie, but really, it's boggo standard KDE at 3520x1200)

I don't see compiz fusion in the repos, all the guide point to feisty repos, can I add these to /etc/sources.list and install away? (i'm running 64 bit but I see there are builds for this)
whitecrook said:
I'm running Gutsy (I'd post a screenie, but really, it's boggo standard KDE at 3520x1200)

I don't see compiz fusion in the repos, all the guide point to feisty repos, can I add these to /etc/sources.list and install away? (i'm running 64 bit but I see there are builds for this)

I just followed the instructions here - it has instructions for 64 bit, but not specifically for Gibbon.

How you finding GG anyway, much difference, worth having a go with? I've got a VMWare image of it, but I've not really had much chance to have a play around with it.

richardbirks said:
I just followed the instructions here - it has instructions for 64 bit, but not specifically for Gibbon.

How you finding GG anyway, much difference, worth having a go with? I've got a VMWare image of it, but I've not really had much chance to have a play around with it.


Well It seems good so far, I've tested 5.04, 6.04 and 6.10 and I skipped on to 7.10, now the others were good. My distro of choice is Debian, but this release is the first release that's made me decide once and for all to ditch Windows. (+ my new 64 bit rig, and Vista is now Windows. I don''t want to 'do' Vista)

There were too many problems for me with the other releases, however7.10 has a couple of probs for me so far:

Gnome worked and then kinda messed up. My desktop icons have gone and certain programs kept crashing.

I installed xubuntu desktop and it worked for a few days and then random progs not working and random prog crashes.

Now I run kubuntu-desktop and all is peachy. I think 3.5.7 is really tamed down from previous releases (buttons, clicky things, spinny gfx wise). But I'm really waiting for KDE4, this should blow everything out the water.

I've ran beryl compix before and I know what it's about (expose for the win) and was looking to try compiz-fusion out. But it's not in my repos

output of

apt-cache search compiz | grep fusion
compiz-fusion-plugins-main - Collection of plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra - Collection of extra plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz

what is the actual package name?
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