How did you find overclockers? website I mean

I was directed here from a now long gone car forum. We had all been watching from afar, like war of the worlds.

To be fair I’ve overdramatised that a touch.
I did some work on Spie's race car and decided to find out about his computer business. I always like to check out wealthy people in case I get some tips on how to become an idle millionaire. I have yet to find any idle ones...
I was looking to build my first gaming pc some time around 2004.

Me and @West shared that account for a while, as you couldn't register using Hotmail or Yahoo, and he was the only one with an isp email address that was valid.

I then created this account when I could use a BT email address... Which apparently I still had as the email linked to this account and I only realised once I had to use 2FA to log in last week.
I cannot remember it was the year 2000/1. I know I bought a Radeon 7500 so I must have been looking for information on that.

My profile still has my wrong age as I lied when I originally registered to make myself look like an adult!

I think I was 14 hence the utterly stupid username :p.
Can't recall how I found them, probably just a Google (or Altavista back then!) search. Looking at my email archive that goes back to the late 1990s (yes, I am that sad) the first mention of buying from Overclockers is early 2002. Before that I used to buy from the now defunct Simply Computers in Walthamstow if anyone remembers them?
Internet search I used to buy and oc products like the Duron 750@999mhz and the Athlon64 1.4 ghz TB.

Then I found the forums...

Mostly the gfx card forums at the time where the real debate happened.

This was the voodoo, then the kyro generation, where changing gfx cards multiple times a year was a thing.
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Not if they are good or not, but how did you find out about overclockers online? Were you looking for hardware and found them? Hear about them from other forums?

I found them back in 2008 I think. Was looking for info on the AMD 4870 gpu. Been here ever since :D
Looking for parts for a new PC and got tempted by a Slot A Athlon 700@850 on a KA7 board.

Woke up not long after in a dark room shackled to Globalwin 802 and i've yet to escaoe,
Many years ago (must have been 2000-ish) I was looking for somewhere to buy a new motherboard from as mine had died.

Checked the Yellow Pages (yeah) for local PC shops, the Overclockers one stood out as the coolest by far. So off I went!
Joined in the OCuK club a bit old I see. I seem to remember this place being full of teens (especially around BF2 and CS Source, T-OCuK any body? I remember @gord [1337 awp skillz] and andy t? - they'll remember me getting a nosebleed while mid match..). I joined in my early teens and always got the feeling I was generally surrounded by others the same ages. Probably a bit of a "seeing what I wanted to see" thing though, I was probably chatting about 'flashing' with some 45 year old blokes.

EDIT:I have actually been on OcUK forums over half of my life now :O
Wait, you weren't Fubsy back then, that makes you.. Fubar? You've just given me major flashbacks to that nosebleed, hilarious. I vaguely remember putting together a Gary's Mod scene of it afterward. I think Andy is still about here, we also had Jam0r? I mean we were about 15 back then right, now I'm.. older :(:D. It all started off with wanting to build my own PC, and now I spend more of my time in the Home and Garden forum than I care to admit.
can't remember exactly where but perhaps from forums such as hardocp and xtremesystems. There were others out there but they are no longer in business.. not sure if they can be mentioned. This was in the mid 2000s.. and only till 2015 decided to sign up as a member
A vague and misty memory of ordering an Athlon and a Zalman Flower Cooler - the flower cooler arrived with bent fins and when I phoned OCuk the guy just said, "yeah it's fine just bend 'em straight, if it doesn't work or it breaks send it back". I don't think I'd experienced such down to earth customer service before that worked on the assumption that its customers might actually be capable human beings.
I think someone on IRC mentioned that they were selling Athlon CPUs with guarenteed overclocks e.g. Athlon 500 @ 750mhz. This was when Quake3 and Unreal Tournament were coming out and there was a need to upgrade from P2 era machines for those games.
If I remember right there were only 3 or 4 online pc retailers back then?
Nah, there was more. I think advertising was an issue back then though, it sounds a bit daft nowadays but shops needed to use traditional marketing to drive people to their online stores, so there would be a handful you'd see advertised in PC magazines etc who were maybe pushing more on the advertising budget but then a bunch of smaller operations (including OcUK) out there as well.

Back then I remember major competitors including:
  • The place that sells Founders Edition cards
  • Simply as someone else mentioned. Might be wrong but I think I ordered my Celeron 300A and Abit BH6 from there.
  • The place with an odd name that got taken over by a large telecoms company
  • A place that is still going but is focussed much more on business customers than end users these days, has presence outside the UK. I think their success is down to their commercial arm, their shop name has no real link to computer hardware.
  • A slightly smaller operation also specialising in overclocked hardware, shut down early 2000s iirc
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