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Poll: How do you game? Upscaling or native? (updated poll choices - 24/12, revote!)

How do you game?

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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Doesn't fit the narrative so will be ignored as per usual :cry:
Your poll(that you keep changing because you don't like the results) shows roughly half the amount of NV users run native over DLSS.

That's the narrative bud.

You've got a middle of the road GPU with not much vram going for it in today's titles that positively needs upscaling.

I don't need upscaling like you do.

Enjoy your preference instead of arguing with everyone that prefers native.
4 Jun 2009
Your poll(that you keep changing because you don't like the results) shows roughly half the amount of NV users run native over DLSS.

That's the narrative bud.

You've got a middle of the road GPU with not much vram going for it in today's titles that positively needs upscaling.

I don't need upscaling like you do.

Enjoy your preference instead of arguing with everyone that prefers native.

So ignoring HUB chart as expected now then? :D

Again, this ain't rocket science lmao.

The poll concept/end options are the exact same, the native % is roughly the same, here is some basic maths for you:

native is 60.6% "overall", basically the same as the previous poll.

It seems like you don't like the new poll because dlss has a higher bar now?

Keep changing? Changed once...... :cry:

Also, I primarily use dlss because my gpu doesn't have the grunt as evidenced in benchmarks, <80 fps is a complete no go for me and the only gpu capable of achieving this is a 4090 (7900xtx if you don't use RT) and even then in most new titles, it still needs upscaling and even frame gen so yeah, shocker a £650 3 year old gpu isn't cutting it now. Not to mention, I aim to get close to 175hz/fps at 3440x1440, good luck to even a 4090/7900xtx trying to do that "natively" unless you can show me this being achieved?

Like I said, if you prefer native, that's grand, I don't as "evidenced", if you can't accept that dlss is better than native as evidenced by several reputable sources, that's not really my problem, I'll take substance/evidence over "trust me bro" approach any day of the week and unless yourself or someone else can post something that is able to debunk such sources, I have no reason to think otherwise, I go by statements backed up with evidence, not the MILD approach.....

Again, if you prefer native, grand but no point trying to insist dlss is awful, it's really not as bad as you and others make out and that previous video backs up what I was saying too, if you don't like DLSS, then you surely won't be using TAA either then natively.
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  • Haha
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4 Jun 2009
You've got a middle of the road GPU with not much vram going for it in today's titles that positively needs upscaling.

I don't need upscaling like you do.

Also, I find this comment funny, as we know that there is a good few in the dlss vote there with ada/4090s :cry:

Guys your 4090/4080s just aren't cutting it now, throw them in the bin and get yourself a 4070 and 7900xt like tommy here :p
  • Haha
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4 Jun 2009
BTW, this is a great video explaining the negatives and positives with TAA and why there are such poor implementations, which is why I mentioned this:

BTW @TNA, not sure if you watched this or not but highly recommend as it's a great video to back up our statements on the DLDSR and DLSS (or TAA) being noticeably better than native/dlss quality alone. Essentially what we should all know by now, TAA methods rely on a higher resolution in order to get a good result, which is why higher res. looks noticeably better in games with TAA methods and at resolutions lower than 4k especially 1440p, the game falls apart with poor TAA implementations.

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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
BTW @TNA, not sure if you watched this or not but highly recommend as it's a great video to back up our statements on the DLDSR and DLSS (or TAA) being noticeably better than native/dlss quality alone. Essentially what we should all know by now, TAA methods rely on a higher resolution in order to get a good result, which is why higher res. looks noticeably better in games with TAA methods and at resolutions lower than 4k especially 1440p, the game falls apart with poor TAA implementations.


Will check it out when I can thanks.

I wonder if Tommy will check out DLDSR like I suggested earlier. Would be fun to get his take on it :D
21 Oct 2013
DLDSR wouldnt be classed as an upscaler though.

If you use DLDSR +DLSS you'll probably end up with a native render resolution or close(er) to it.

Think the poll needs more some more granular options if DLDSR is lumped in with DLSS now.
4 Jun 2009
Of course there are 4090 users running DLSS that voted in the poll, a 4090 can't cut native PT without DLSS.

But I thought there were "no path tracing games"?

Also, if so, this would indicate that those users are mostly playing path tracing titles most of the time then since this poll is based on your average gaming method.

More likely reason is that a 4090 also can't cut native 4k/3440x1440 AND high refresh rate gaming in newest titles.

DLDSR wouldnt be classed as an upscaler though.

If you use DLDSR +DLSS you'll probably end up with a native render resolution or close(er) to it.

Think the poll needs more some more granular options if DLDSR is lumped in with DLSS now.

I imagine most people who voted DLSS aren't using DLDSR except a small minority as it can be more of a faff for some people since for most games, you have to change in windows your res. first before playing the game. Can add the option if more people want it though.

This, it's only getting thrown into the mix because according to the poll almost half of NV users either don't rate DLSS as better than native or they don't have access to DLSS.

Or they play old games which don't need dlss or/and more likely that the old games don't have dlss.

I did state in the OP, to follow this format if you vote:

gpu - 3080
res - 3440x1440 and 4k
reason you use your chosen upscaling tech or native - dlss provides better IQ and temporal stability than native in most cases whilst providing a substantial performance boost, it also exhibits less ghosting than native TAA implementations. Also, in combination with DLDSR, it can provide much better IQ than even my 4k display for clarity yet still perform similarly or better than just using dlss or native
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8 Nov 2002
6800xt on water native 1440p, 165hz. Never tried another option. I use image sharpening and antilag in the driver. I use MSI afterburner and rivatuner to cap some of my games. Its apparently bad to cap your games with RTSS:
4 Jun 2009
Should lock this thread, burn it and never bring it up again

It's a good thread that's insightful, sadly as shown as per usual, some can't keep to the topic though and get salty because the results aren't what they want to see.

What the thread proves:

- no one uses xess (from the poll before)
- very very very few value/use fsr
- Nvidia owners are divided on native VS dlss for one or more of the following reasons:

1. They use/prefer native more often for their gaming
2. They play old games which don't have dlss
3. They don't need dlss for the games they play
4. They are non rtx owners
17 Aug 2009
It's a good thread that's insightful, sadly as shown as per usual, some can't keep to the topic though and get salty because the results aren't what they want to see.

What the thread proves:

- no one uses xess (from the poll before)
- very very very few value/use fsr
- Nvidia owners are divided on native VS dlss for one or more of the following reasons:

1. They use/prefer native more often for their gaming
2. They play old games which don't have dlss
3. They don't need dlss for the games they play
4. They are non rtx owners

- that wilful blindness is employed to make broad claims using a sub 100 vote poll specific to this subforum of this forum

"Proves" :p
6 Feb 2019
6800xt on water native 1440p, 165hz. Never tried another option. I use image sharpening and antilag in the driver. I use MSI afterburner and rivatuner to cap some of my games. Its apparently bad to cap your games with RTSS:

Nvidia's GeForce experience has two sharpening filters and a film grain filter to play with, but I tried them in a couple of games and they made the game look terrible
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