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Poll: How do you game? Upscaling or native? (updated poll choices - 24/12, revote!)

How do you game?

  • Total voters
So basically first poll results didn't suit your agenda so delete and tweak to better suit your narrative?

Have you had a few drinks too then? It ain't rocket science this chaps :cry:

The poll choice and outcome is the EXACT same as the poll options before..... the only difference is this time, it's more granular so those who use native more often can and still do vote native except this time they identify themselves as either owning amd or nvidia and what this proves is exactly what I said earlier that amd users are more likely to vote native since amds upscaler is rarely better than native (as evidenced time and time again by several sources)

Is the poll perhaps not showing the results that side with what you want to see now? Even though native is at 58% compared to 38.7% dlss? (which btw native will still likely go up since most people probably haven't revoted and iirc, there were 4 votes for FSR previously so those people still have yet to vote too)
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Have you had a few drinks too then? It ain't rocket science this chaps :cry:

The poll choice and outcome is the EXACT same as the poll options before..... the only difference is this time, it's more granular so those who use native more often can and still do vote native except this time they identify themselves as either owning amd or nvidia and what this proves is exactly what I said earlier that amd users are more likely to vote native since they don't have an upscaler that is ever better than native or even as good as native most of the time (as evidenced time and time again by several sources)

Is the poll perhaps not showing the results that side with what you want to see now? Even though native is at 58% compared to 38.7% dlss? (which btw native will still likely go up since most people probably still haven't revoted)

That posts had more edits than titanic ffs and its only been up 4 minutes.
So 240 fps Native to 240 dlss/fsr has no input delay difference. I don't need any more than what i get. Native is where it's at in competitive. I don't know of any pro gamer that would use upscaling or am i wrong.. Most comepetitive gamers still use 1080p i think.

Personally i find it sad that the guys loving on upscaling are that happy to accept we get way less for our money these days as the jump in performance is crap on a yearly basis. Dlss/fsr is like here's your software instead of hardware. It might be a means for an end but you are paying a lot more for less accepting this crap.

Inflation i here lol nah. We used to get 70-100% jumps each year for similar money. Now we get 50% every two years and a bit of software to boost that number and if you want the best it's two times the price. Some of you guys live on the moon if you think this is good.

I get the fact it's getting harder and slower for gains, i just don't get why we get shafted so much money wise while it would seem other technology ain't going up so much. Dlss is the problem as it inflates numbers to the noobs.
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Oooph. Where to begin with this post..

Best go make a cup of tea for this one. For others maybe grab some popcorn because I over did eating last night and woke up and can't get back to sleep :cry:

So 240 fps Native to 240 dlss/fsr has no input delay difference. I don't need any more than what i get. Native is where it's at in competitive. I don't know of any pro gamer that would use upscaling or am i wrong.. Most comepetitive gamers still use 1080p i think.

So no input lag. Now that we got that out of the way.

Let's go back to what you said before. You said "ain't about how nice the game looks it's more about high fps and input lag".

So therefore in your own words it is not about native. What does native even mean to you otherwise?

As you said, other competitive gamers would not even be on 1440p. As I understand these guys use 1080p and even use lowest graphics settings.

So clearly you do care about how nice a game looks :)

Personally i find it sad that the guys loving on upscaling are that happy to accept we get way less for our money these days as the jump in performance is crap on a yearly basis. Dlss/fsr is like here's your software instead of hardware. It might be a means for an end but you are paying a lot more for less accepting this crap.

I see the problem. You are conflating things here and letting emotions cloud your judgement.

If you separate things, you will find people loving DLSS like me doing so for the opposite reasons.

How does rejecting using upscaling aid anything? The situation is what it is. Upscaling is here to stay. Not using it is simply cutting ones nose to spite one's face if that is the primary reason for not using it.

Even if upscaling was not here, these companies would be finding a way to charge you ever increasing amounts. That's just what they do. That is why I have no loyalty to neither of them.

So yeah, not using tools available on this basis just makes no sense imo. It changes nothing.

Inflation i here lol nah. We used to get 70-100% jumps each year for similar money. Now we get 50% every two years and a bit of software to boost that number and if you want the best it's two times the price. Some of you guys live on the moon if you think this is good.

I understand what you are saying. But yet again being objective, inflation absolutely makes a difference. But it does not end there. Those jumps used to happen because back then both architectural and going to smaller and smaller manufacturing processes was easier and cheaper.

Living in those days in one's mind and having those expectations will do you no good. Those days are gone. It is now much more expensive jumping on to smaller manufacturers processes. It also takes a lot more r&d to develop better architectures.

I accept that we won't be getting 70-100% jumps each year for the same money. That would not be sustainable even if these companies aimed to break even on gaming cards. If you think otherwise I am afraid it is you that is living on the moon.

I know what your thinking now. This guy is defending them and their huge profits. No mate. I know full well they could be charging less and still making a healthy profit.

Do you see me with a 4090 in my sig? Did I pay a huge premium on a 3090? Nope. So no, I don't think the current situation is good.

But I also live in the real world. It is what it is. Ignoring upscaling because of the reasons you have given is only shooting yourself in the leg.

If your expectations are 70-100% improvement per year at the same price and think that was sustainable forever then you are not even just living on another planet, solar system or galaxy. Nope, you sir are living in another universe... :cry:

I get the fact it's getting harder and slower for gains, i just don't get why we get shafted so much money wise while it would seem other technology ain't going up so much. Dlss is the problem as it inflates numbers to the noobs.

Ah so you do have an inkling that it is not as easy no more. We are getting shafted because these companies keep looking for ways to keep increasing profits as much as they can.

Why not be objective though. Why worry about what the noobs or others do or don't? The tech is here. When I use DLDSR and combine it with DLSS, there is no ifs or buts about it. I see a big difference in image quality. That is me being objective to what I see. I am not going to cut of my nose to spite my face by not using it.

TLDR? No! Go get some popcorn and enjoy the damned post. My name is not Purgatory, I don't do walls of text at every given opportunity! :p
Ideally this poll should break Nvidia users down by generation. Show that the native users are those screwed by Nvidia who lock their features behind bios locks and screwed by Nvidia.

It would just be more granular data, right?

Edit to add: native, Nvidia, 1440*3440
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So 240 fps Native to 240 dlss/fsr has no input delay difference. I don't need any more than what i get. Native is where it's at in competitive. I don't know of any pro gamer that would use upscaling or am i wrong.. Most comepetitive gamers still use 1080p i think.

Personally i find it sad that the guys loving on upscaling are that happy to accept we get way less for our money these days as the jump in performance is crap on a yearly basis. Dlss/fsr is like here's your software instead of hardware. It might be a means for an end but you are paying a lot more for less accepting this crap.

Inflation i here lol nah. We used to get 70-100% jumps each year for similar money. Now we get 50% every two years and a bit of software to boost that number and if you want the best it's two times the price. Some of you guys live on the moon if you think this is good.

I get the fact it's getting harder and slower for gains, i just don't get why we get shafted so much money wise while it would seem other technology ain't going up so much. Dlss is the problem as it inflates numbers to the noobs.

I don't really game competitively but when I played BF 2042 (and still do every now and then), I use a mix of settings so the game doesn't look complete crap and to ensure 100+ fps, however, with dlss, it pushes me closer to 175 fps/hz which in return, reduces lag, increases motion fluidity and smoothness so it's a no brainer for me there, if you're serious about the PVP then yes, you'll be whacking everything to low and gaming at 1080 or even less.

Tna summed it up perfectly in all seriousness. It's here to stay and more and more things like frame gen, upscaling will only come along, Bryan Catanzaro said it best in his interview with DF "raster and native is also a bag of fakeness and if anything PT, frame gen and upscaling is producing a more real experience".

Also, making and owning and improving this software approach is not cheap at all! It's probably the bulk of where the money goes to the staff. The people working on this kind of stuff are extremely expensive especially if big teams are involved.

I've explained my reasons many times why I prefer dlss along with evidence, it simply provides me a better image and experience "overall" than trying to run native especially if/when games have poor AA methods. As I said earlier, had I owned AMD, I would probably sacrifce settings to avoid FSR or if the game had XESS, use it instead but alas, XESS isn't widely adopted.

Ideally this poll should break Nvidia users down by generation. Show that the native users are those screwed by Nvidia who lock their features behind bios locks and screwed by Nvidia.

It would just be more granular data, right?

Edit to add: native, Nvidia, 1440*3440

IIRC, according to steam, aren't most of the nvidia owners and all gamers for that matter using RTX capable gpus? Like 20-30% still using non-rtx gpus?

Also, looking at the native nvidia gpu owners, I think at least 3 own ampere/ada gpus.

BTW, it's been shown that dlss does use tensor cores:

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Yeah, the change is a bit silly, and from memory hasn't actually changed the results (approx 1/3 upscale to 2/3 native). I am native where possible, but will turn on dlss to up frame rates where they're not satisfactory. I voted dlss, but it applies to maybe... 1/3 of what I play? So probably about right. I like old and new games, so it's purely performance driven, I don't turn on dlss for the sake of it.
Yeah, the change is a bit silly, and from memory hasn't actually changed the results (approx 1/3 upscale to 2/3 native). I am native where possible, but will turn on dlss to up frame rates where they're not satisfactory. I voted dlss, but it applies to maybe... 1/3 of what I play? So probably about right. I like old and new games, so it's purely performance driven, I don't turn on dlss for the sake of it.

It was never intended to change the outcome and how could it as the options are the same?

It just highlights what we all knew, amd users will use native first and foremost over fsr since fsr is not good. Nvidia is more divided, some of the votes could be non rtx GPU owners? Maybe above post is right, should break it down to rtx Nvidia owners or non rtx owners :D
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They aren't. There are more.

Or were the originals just upscaled?

The core concept/options are the same, only difference is you identify what you own with your vote for native.

The poll before was just, native, dlss, xess and fsr. Removed xess as no one voted for it in the last poll.
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The poll before was just, native, dlss, xess and fsr. Removed xess as no one voted for it in the last poll.
If no different, why change? What does ownership matter?

One of those things with stats, spin them how you like. Only half of nvidia users use upscaling, no amd users use it. So 75% of users aren't upscaling.

The changes on the surface seem to be to dilute the native vote and improve the look of the dlss bar.
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