How long is your commute/Drive to work

been on sick since September but was 17 miles each way ,longest commute was working at mars in leeds but living here .5 or 4 day weekend helped plus stayed at parents on work days
15 minutes door to door, this is a new job of just over a month. Before that I drove to Carlisle three days a week, I live in Gateshead, so minimum of 90 minutes depending on the A69, which is *****! Hence the new job :)
Since moving house last year it's about 45 mins (23 miles) each way. I was planning to move jobs due to being made redundant and find a job closer to home, but instead I start a new job next month about a quarter of a mile away from my current one.

Not hating the drive as much as I thought I would to be honest, it's all fairly quiet back roads, can just chill with the radio or Spotify on.
In the last 4 months, door to door 1hr 45mins (Farringdon to Folkestone)..

Moving to Beckenham next weekend, it'll cut down to 40 mins door to door. I can't wait
Looking at Google Maps it is 1.3 Miles to work for me, around 4 minutes by car! Longer if I have to scrape ice off it in the winter. Haven't had any traffic issues yet.
Currently working from home. From home to office, 1:45 to 2 hours, door to door.

Walk to station, train to Waterloo, Waterloo and City to Bank, walk to Bishopsgate.

No parking charges and no Taxi's if staying for a beer. Neither the faff of defrosting the car at 6am.

I don't mind the time to commute, happily devour books and catch up on boxsets; its the cost and when trains are delayed/cancelled, then its another matter.
12 miles.
30 mins there in the morning.

1 hour on the way back.
The bottlenecks? Past schools and the obligatory double parking pyjama wearers.
I spent 13 years travelling 32 miles there and back through two cities taking 35-45 minutes depending on traffic
then moved closer to work and after 18 months got made redundant :S
Now work is 3 miles away and takes no more than 10 minutes even with traffic :D
If I go into the (designated workplace) office it's 27ish miles and can take anywhere between 40 minutes and 3 hours - averages about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes

The days I work from home about 10 metres / less than a minute

Having a national role I could have to be anywhere in the county bit it's more an exception to the rule
About 10 metres most of the time. I went to one of our sites every day last week, it cost £58 in fuel and 90 minutes of my time to travel the 22 miles there or back. I wouldn't want to do this every day.

Do you drive an oil tanker or something?
10 ft-15ft

Approx time. 5 seconds is my quickest commute.

Not unlike me, I’m retired now but when I drove a Black Cab it took from the time I raised the garage door, to backing on to the drive, closing the door, then 75 metres on to Jamaica Road Bermondsey and putting the TAXI light on.
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