Work from home, self employed, so 10-20 seconds or so. Usually spend an hour cycling in the park or by the river each day in lieu of a commute.
Every single aspect of my health and wellbeing is better for working from home except the social aspect, though in many places of work the social aspect can even become a negative with work place bullying, not getting on with bosses, etc.
Productivity is massively increased when not wasting hours a day needlessly commuting - to me 12 hours days working from home feel less stressful than 8 hours with a commute.
Used to have a 20 minute cycle but also had to work around 20% of the year suited up travelling all around London - there's barely a tube, train or bus route within the M25 that I haven't taken and almost all of it offers a very low quality of life in my opinion.
Some of the most miserable, grey and pallid workers I've ever seen are the big earners getting off at Canary Wharf on the Jubilee Line, rarely have I seen such unhappy and unhealthy looking people.
The idea that people leave their homes equipped with phone and broadband to endure expense, stress and overcrowding first thing in the morning and last thing at the end of the day to work in a office merely that provides the same is getting increasingly ridiculous.
London is horribly overcrowded as it is, letting people work from home is going to become an ecological necessity sooner or later. At the very least it will make life easier for those that actually have a 100% necessary physical reason to commute.
I see working from home and the introduction of universal income as two things that can do the most to improve quality of life for workers.