How long is your work commute?

25-40 min depending on traffic. Used to be from one side of London to the other which was hell so 40 mins sat in a car in the country is still more favourable!
Ideally would like a bikable commute but simply not feasible currently.
Currently 30 minutes drive, can be more than 60 minutes if it rain's because no one knows how to drive. Soon to move to UK so no idea on that commute time.
I dont walk to work even though i am only a couple of miles from it ... because i dont want to.
Would take me what? 30 mins easy to walk it, sod that i can drive in 3 and the rest of the time is spent getting coffee down me.
20 minutes there and 40 back by car one day a week, 75 minutes by bus each way twice a week and two days a week working from home. I think 90 minutes driving each way was my limit and I wouldn't want to go back to that.
However long it takes to go from my bed to my office, about 5 seconds. The joys of being home based.
However long it takes to go from my bed to my office, about 5 seconds. The joys of being home based.
Honestly that would drive me crazy. I go mad at the weekends if I don't have a reason to leave the house.
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