How many DINKs here?

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Dual income no kids.... Incase anyone was having 'Nam flashbacks.

I'm not foreseeing having children. It's not planned.
I might regret it, I might not. Guess I'll find out
If there's a happy accident then fair enough.
Why, I'm not 100% sure, I'm not ready and rapidly getting older, no one's ever ready cliché.

I've seen arguments along the lines of it being one the most selfish things you can do, to deny future kids from existence (wtf?)

Obviously a very, very devise topic as people usually defecate the bed when it comes to stuff like this.

Maybe a poll?

If in a long term partnership/ married ...

Having kids ASAP
Not too bothered
No way
No way (give reason) weirder ecological doomsday are best.
Currently a “dink”, but planning for future.
Think that should be an option in your poll - in future maybe
Dink here. Have kind of made my peace with remaining so. Don't really have an urge to become a parent, realised the only real reason I'd thought I should is because most of my friends were - doesn't seem like a good idea to become a parent just because it's what others are doing.
I didnt want kids my whole life right up till I was about 39, then I watched a film and it planted a seed, over the next 6 months I kinda flipped over, I knew if we didnt I would regret it. The clock was ticking by that point and we were lucky to have our little boy who is 1 and a half now, mum was 40.

Its awful of course, if I could go back in time I still dont know if I would do it again, first year was rough and no way we could have done it earlier, just wouldnt have had the money.
I didnt want kids my whole life right up till I was about 39, then I watched a film and it planted a seed, over the next 6 months I kinda flipped over, I knew if we didnt I would regret it. The clock was ticking by that point and we were lucky to have our little boy who is 1 and a half now, mum was 40.

Its awful of course, if I could go back in time I still dont know if I would do it again, first year was rough and no way we could have done it earlier, just wouldnt have had the money.
I don't understand the dual income no kids thing? Surely it is pretty obvious that 99% of couples who have no kids have dual income. I mean what do you do with your time if only 1 has an income. Wait for the milkman to come around?

We had our first child at 22 and our second at 33. Second was purely a financial decision as otherwise we would have had it earlier. Although both sister and brother are bonding well now and once both adults it is only a 11 year gap. From a selfish perspective I guess I will not have as much time with my sons grand kids however.

For myself at least as I have gotten older is that material things really do not matter. Watching and caring for your own offspring is the most satisfying thing I have ever done in my life. I never wanted kids but glad I did now. Is it easy? Hell no but nothing worthwhile is and challenging yourself is what keeps you mentally sane.
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SIWLOK here (Single Income With Loads of Kids) 4 kids with 2 partners. Can’t wait for Christmas to come as they will all want iPhone 15 Ultra Pro Max or whatever they will call it.
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