How many DINKs here?

I didnt want kids my whole life right up till I was about 39, then I watched a film and it planted a seed, over the next 6 months I kinda flipped over, I knew if we didnt I would regret it. The clock was ticking by that point and we were lucky to have our little boy who is 1 and a half now, mum was 40.

Its awful of course, if I could go back in time I still dont know if I would do it again, first year was rough and no way we could have done it earlier, just wouldnt have had the money.

It's amusing in a way, as that certainly doesn't stop a number of people :cry:
Seems a poor excuse. Kids do need looking after by parents.

It's not an "excuse" it's one of many reasons, including selfish desire to not upset our current happy life of holidays, festivals, gigs etc.

My wife's parents dying unexpectedly was just another nail in that coffin.

I don't get the point of your post really.
I've seen arguments along the lines of it being one the most selfish things you can do, to deny future kids from existence (wtf?)

That's a BS argument, and is easily countered by pointing out that it's also selfish to force someone to live who might not necessarily want to.

Is there an option for "have kids but looking forward to them being grown up so I can afford to do cool things again" category?

Sounds about right :p
I wonder if it's more. It's a hard hard thing to admit to yourself, let alone someone else. Even confidentially
I'm pretty sure just about every parent has moments of regret at some point. Not likely to be the overall experience though unless the kid is a real nightmare, listening to Ed Sheeran and the like.
I'm pretty sure just about every parent has moments of regret at some point. Not likely to be the overall experience though unless the kid is a real nightmare, listening to Ed Sheeran and the like.

Oh for sure!

My parents fully supported me not to have kids.

My sisters, who both want kids, are way behind. Wanting (sensibly) to get on the housing ladder before kids.
One is 34 and planning (this year I expect) and other is 31 and expecting.

But just shows why fertility rate is falling. My parents were 20s but my sisters are 30s. Just due to cost of living. (ie, housing)
Happy to say I’m a DIWK. Only one child here. Would’ve loved more but it wasn’t to be! Best thing that’s ever happened in my life Being able to watch the sprog grow up and seeing the world afresh. Absolutely no regrets whatsoever
I've certainly had friends that have inferred it.

It usually starts with "I love my kids, but"
I was on a work call during lock down. And everyone was ranting (really ranting) about thier kids as they all have them. One of the standard comments "you'll know when you have them" was said to me at the end.
I think I said something like "never for me, you guys make it sound like a total nightmare, I'm not crazy".

Those presumptuous remarks can be quite insensitive to people who may be trying out have no kids due to medical things. And I always feel I can respond in an equivalent manner! :D
Oh for sure!

My parents fully supported me not to have kids.

My sisters, who both want kids, are way behind. Wanting (sensibly) to get on the housing ladder before kids.
One is 34 and planning (this year I expect) and other is 31 and expecting.

But just shows why fertility rate is falling. My parents were 20s but my sisters are 30s. Just due to cost of living. (ie, housing)
Life is being stretch, as a consequence this will widen the time line and in part the illusion of women having children later on in life.
The common age of women having children will peak around 34 to 40, my best guess, we are also aging slower.
No but quite happy not to be a DINK. Do I wish I had more time and disposable income? Yes. Do I regret our decisions? Absolutely not - I think whilst I'm more tired and under pressure than I have ever been, I'm also the happiest I've ever been in my life. It's a funny trade off. Having had children I'd be miserable without them.

When our first daughter was still a toddler we sent her off to her Grandmothers for six weeks. Mainly for her to get a bit of culture and for us to organise our first house purchase. Move in etc. We were living in a two bed flat at the time and was a bit of a squeeze. It was just so miserable not having her around. We have pets too. Our recently deceased cat I wasn't a fan of but now he is gone I want another. You don't realise what you are missing till it's gone is a cliché but it really is true.

I just hope both my kids have children of their own as I do not want to end up as one of those grumpy neighbours who pop footballs when they go in their garden.
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