How many Raspberry Pis do you have and what are they used for?

Just a 3b. I use it as part of my custom non cloud connected smart speaker setup. It's just a for fun project to see how much I can do before doing something that has privacy concerns.
Original Pi model B running PiHole for the home network
Pi3 for emulator games
Pi400 for my boy to mess around with as a "computer" and play minecraft
I've just bought Pi Zero 2W which I've attached a couple of SSD drives to and will eventually host our DVD collection.
Updated after a couple of changes.

Pi 4, 4Gb. Pi-Hole.
Pi 4, 2Gb. 2nd Pi-Hole. Kept in sync with primary Pi-Hole using gravity sync. Runs an rsync job to download backups of my UniFi controller and push them to OneDrive.
Pi 4, 4Gb. Flight tracker reporting to Flight Aware & Flight Radar 24. Also running a RIPE Atlas Probe.
Pi 4, 2Gb. PiVPN (WireGuard & OpenVPN) & Cloudflare Tunnels endpoint. Soon to be a 4Gb Pi.
Pi Zero 2 W. Running Mosquitto, an MQTT broker that feeds into Home Assistant.

I've moved Home Assistant to a Home Assistant Yellow which uses a 4Gb Compute Module 4.
I’ve got two:

Raspberry Pi Zero: Hooked up to a small e-ink display to show my son his pocket money (using Starling’s open API) as he’s too young for his own smartphone.

Raspberry Pi Zero 2: Local web-hosting for status board (weather, calendar, tube systems, etc).
Updated after a couple of changes.

Pi 4, 4Gb. Pi-Hole.
Pi 4, 2Gb. 2nd Pi-Hole. Kept in sync with primary Pi-Hole using gravity sync. Runs an rsync job to download backups of my UniFi controller and push them to OneDrive.
Pi 4, 4Gb. Flight tracker reporting to Flight Aware & Flight Radar 24. Also running a RIPE Atlas Probe.
Pi 4, 2Gb. PiVPN (WireGuard & OpenVPN) & Cloudflare Tunnels endpoint. Soon to be a 4Gb Pi.
Pi Zero 2 W. Running Mosquitto, an MQTT broker that feeds into Home Assistant.

I've moved Home Assistant to a Home Assistant Yellow which uses a 4Gb Compute Module 4.
What's with having two Pi-Holes? Are they on different subnets?
What's with having two Pi-Holes? Are they on different subnets?
I don't know about @the-evaluator but I run two for redundancy using Pi Zero 2s with ethernet adapters. They both run DHCP and my scope is split between them. Each one gives out itself as primary DNS and the other one as secondary.
What's with having two Pi-Holes? Are they on different subnets?

No, same subnet. I have two for redundancy, useful for when (not if) a micro SD card dies. Useful for when I want to update one of the Pi's so can take it offline without any impact. It was useful last week when one of them went down due to a failed PoE HAT.
I have a Pi4 2GB and a Pi3 1GB. I use the Pi4 I use as a test pattern generator for screen calibration. The Pi3 I use for odd projects here and there, it doesn't have a fixed use.
pi4, NAS/PLEX/VPN/InfluxDB/PiHole
PiZero2, octopi/Klipper/Graphana
PiZeroW, Temperature sensor/PiHole
No, same subnet. I have two for redundancy, useful for when (not if) a micro SD card dies. Useful for when I want to update one of the Pi's so can take it offline without any impact. It was useful last week when one of them went down due to a failed PoE HAT.
this is pretty much why I have it setup with two. just means you don't have to mess around as much if one dies.
Just dipped a toe into this and got a pi4b 4gb, running 2 octoprint instances with webcams on two 3d printers.

Quite enjoyed getting them set up….need another one now lol
I've got a Raspberry PI (guess that bit's redundant in the thread) 2B.
For ages didn't know what to do with it. End up with RetroPie on it but it didn't get used much.
I've since put PiHole on it (probably didn't need a Linux install with a Desktop but I didn't know at the time).
I sort of miss the option of the RetroPie though. Would it be asking too much to get it to run both?
I'm thinking install RetroPie and then install PiHole onto that (I've been running it headless and connecting via VNC but I guess I could connect it to the TV for when I want to use RetroPie). Would need to figure out the user credentials though so I could SSH in if needed.

Would PiHole still be running when I loaded up Emulation Station?

Also, I love the idea of having two Pis running PiHole for redundancy (as I've just realised what a pain it would be now if I wanted to fiddle it). Would a Pi Zero 2 W be OK to run PiHole? Is there a cheaper option?
May do in the future, need more reading.....meaning I dont know much about Klipper.

Would you say it's worth it?
yes. but then my 3d printer is more of a project than a tool. most of what I print are upgrades for the printer!
Pihole will work perfectly adequately on an original pi zero
Thanks, given the price difference I decided to just get a Pi Zero 2 W.

Any thoughts on if it could run PiHole and RetroPie at the same time? Is it not powerful enough? Would RetroPie stop PiHole running when it starts up?
@Feek I believe you have this?
Yeah but I probably overcomplicate things.

I have each Pi set with half my DHCP scope, so one gives out to and the other gives out 192.168.101 to But I largely use reserved addresses for devices.

I have a script on a cron job that copies /etc/hosts file and /etc/dnsmasq.d/04-pihole-static-dhcp.conf from one Pi to the other and if I make changes I kick that script off manually.

There must be better ways of doing it.
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