How much has your council tax gone up this year?

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Just had my bill through. It’s a total rise of 4.8% - thought that was pretty high? Seems to be a 12.4% increase for policing the area.

Just curious as to what people thought.
I remember years ago council tax was a lot less, and they did a better job......I'm please we're all moving in the right direction

Still, I'm please my pay has gone up to compensate, oh wait

The one silver lining at least is that now we're all recycling the earth is all the better for it. Imagine paying more, doing recycling and the earth ends up worse. Now that would be crazy.

Up 4.1% with a 13.5% increase on Police and Crime Commissioner, I am paying £400 a year more than when I moved into my house in 2012.

Its the only bill you really have no control over and it just seem to go up and up.
13.5% increase in police, we are a town 80000 population, local police station was shut a few years ago and now they have a 'pop up' in the local library for 2 days a week. Maybe 'Mike' from Gosport was right.
£10/month extra

think it was 5.7% or something, 16% policing etc..

as high as they could go.

plus fewer bin collections..
Huh seems pretty similar across the board then. In real money for me, and I live in the second lowest band, it’s an ~£80 increase. It’s quite a lot really.
Mine has gone up every year since i bought my first place.

5 years on the trot.

Policing was the biggest increase for my area this year. considering there is a small increase in little grot bags causing issues in the local town, i hope to see an improvement in this area if I'm paying for it!

How many bin collections do you get? We have one black bin every fortnight (which with 2 adults and two cats gets full every time). Recycling every week.

Black bin and green(recycling) every 2 weeks, brown garden bin once every 2 weeks from March - November.
2.99% the only time I ever see police is when football matches are on.

The council are probably the worst in the country plus there is likely a lot of corruption.
How many bin collections do you get? We have one black bin every fortnight (which with 2 adults and two cats gets full every time). Recycling every week.

General waste and recycling is every fortnight, the paid for green garden waste service is 21 collections in the year
Mine seems to have gone up by the maximum 5.99%. They are considering whether to reduce bin collections from fortnightly (with recycling fortnightly as well) down to monthly. Charges have also been introduced at our local dump too. Happy times. It's no wonder fly tipping is on the increase.
Cheshire CC ^ £140 about 4%. The police precept went up 13%. My pension went up by 2.5% which about covers it :(.
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