How much is your insurance?

mine was 550 last year for my fazer 600 and thats with 3 convictions on it, sp30, dd40, lc20.

now ive moved up north its gone up to 650 and for only 3rd party cover!!
Yamaha Thundercat, passed in Feb 2011, 36 years old , 1 years NCB and one claim on a car a couple of years ago, commuting included, not the best of postcodes, £240 TPFT.
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£198 full comp ducati 999s 9 yrs ncb and 36 garaged
£205 full comp on multi polocy for bmw r1150gs and honda vfr 400 1 yr ncb garaged
Interesting seeing everyone's quotes.

Seeing some low quotes for people in my age bracket (I'm 42 so OLD ;) ) I'm just wondering what your compulsory excess is on those policies?

I have been looking at quotes and although the headline figure is low some of the compulsory excesses are £500-£600. :eek:
£86 on a GS500F with 4 years NCB.

Mercurial said:
Interesting seeing everyone's quotes.

Seeing some low quotes for people in my age bracket (I'm 42 so OLD ) I'm just wondering what your compulsory excess is on those policies?

I have been looking at quotes and although the headline figure is low some of the compulsory excesses are £500-£600.

£150 Accidental Damage, Fire & Theft compulsory for my current policy. No voluntary excess.

That is all :)

Oh, and we're about the same age :)
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Thanks for the reply.

I have a Fazer (2002) and a Tuono (2005) currently paying 380ish for the year with a 200/250 excess FC protected respectively (9 years NCB).

Doesn't seem a million miles away from what your paying.
Anyone else's gone up this year.

£80 last year £120 this years

Last year still had to declare my speeding ticket and 0ncd, this year didn't have to declare anything and 1years ncd.
Don't get it and that was shopping around.
My first bike was an RS125 on L's and a CBT.

If I remember rightly, it cost me £890 TPFT, and I was 22. That was back in 2003 though.

My current bike is an ER-6F cost me £187 fully comp back in August.

28, riding 5 months. £800 TpFT no garage on a 2000 Kawasaki ZRX 1100. It is high but then it is a beast and I am a new rider.

Should be able to lop off at least £300 once I find a house with a garage.

Oh and just for comparison I can get a Bandit 600 or SV650 around the 2000-2003 mark for £250 TpFT so if I have to cheap out on the bike I will have to sell my Rex which I really don't want to!
My first bike was an RS125 on L's and a CBT.

If I remember rightly, it cost me £890 TPFT, and I was 22. That was back in 2003 though.

Wow really? I paid £400 for mine at 18 on my CBT, £200 when I passed my test

I did a bunch of quotes through gocompare and got the cheapest at £320 from MCE, I gave them a ring to see what they renewal price would be from the letter they sent me and I got told it was £410. I asked them what was up and they said when you select where you leave your bike as private property on gocompare it selects drive way on the MCE site and was told drive way gives more discount. So I proceeded to MCE site with my gocompare quote and sure enough it had changed to drive way and had put the price up £30, so I changed it to third party and it put the price back to £320. They really try to con as much money out of you as they can the gits!
£850 looks like a lot of money but when i first insured a bike, when I was 17 (2.8 years ago), it was not far from that.

There may be an extra . in the previous sentence that can be removed.
£850 looks like a lot of money but when i first insured a bike, when I was 17 (2.8 years ago), it was not far from that.

There may be an extra . in the previous sentence that can be removed.

Mine was £50 fully comp on my first bike (Puch Maxi!) :p
As iv just sorted my new cover out thought id post.
09 YBR 125 (provisional)
Old Policy (Bennents) fully comp 2 years NCB £300+.
New Policy (RAC) fully comp 3 Years NCB £146

That will teach me not to shop around the past few years, stuck with Bennents out of ease really. Gonna stick with this bike for atleast another year whilst i save for test/big bike, so by the time i move up, 4 years ncb will come in handy lol.
Last year £125 fc on 1999 gsxr 750. 42 with no convictions and five years ncb (been riding 20 years but only got back on when I got the wife to let me have the gixxer) thisvyear was £105 fc
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