"first kind of computer" would be 1981 for me, when my parents bought me a ZX-81. With the wobbly 16KB rampack, so it was the high end model.
First PC would be 1980-something. 1987, I think. Bought second hand for a wad of cash. 386. Running at 20MHz IIRC. Something like that. 1MB RAM. Giant case with 5 drives. I've seen smaller suitcases. Two 5.25 inch floppies, a 3.5 inch floppy, a 20MB HDD and a 40MB HDD. Each HDD was close to the size (and weight) of 2 housebricks. My first tinkering was to change the 2 digit segment display on the front panel of the case from the actual clock speed to 99. It was controlled by a bunch of jumpers behind it, but many people didn't know that and thought it read and displayed the clock speed. I temporarily kept a straight face when I told them it was using a prototype CPU running at 99MHz. The fastest PC CPU that existed at the time ran at 33MHz, so 99MHz was amazing. If I'd known about overclocking at the time, I might have claimed a 300% overclock instead.