Just read through these last few posts, I'm getting 5.1kw of PV (13 panels@395 each) and a 10kw Huawei battery installed tomorrow, finishing the of the week.
The installer was proposing a g98 with Huawei 3.68kw invertor, but I considered the limitation on the potential peak, also considering the discharge of 5kw on the battery and asked them to submit a G99 and change to a 5kw invertor 5 weeks ago, this was accepted by UKPN and I have their letter confirming this.
My understanding this then allows maximum potential from the solar without clipping (I know undersizing invertors help when they isn't as much sun) but now can use the battery for the cheaper rate at night in the winter months when there's not as much sun.
I'm asking octopus to put me on the outgoing tariff as we approach better weather. I have a smets2 meter installed by them last August, will they need to change for me to get an export mpan?
My intention is to get familiarised with the system with a view to going onto flux Oct/Nov to use the cheaper night rate when my solar generation struggles.
Am I on the right tracks with my train of thought behind both these ideas?
Thank you.