How to getthe best out of Octopus Flux

Just read through these last few posts, I'm getting 5.1kw of PV (13 panels@395 each) and a 10kw Huawei battery installed tomorrow, finishing the of the week.

The installer was proposing a g98 with Huawei 3.68kw invertor, but I considered the limitation on the potential peak, also considering the discharge of 5kw on the battery and asked them to submit a G99 and change to a 5kw invertor 5 weeks ago, this was accepted by UKPN and I have their letter confirming this.

My understanding this then allows maximum potential from the solar without clipping (I know undersizing invertors help when they isn't as much sun) but now can use the battery for the cheaper rate at night in the winter months when there's not as much sun.

I'm asking octopus to put me on the outgoing tariff as we approach better weather. I have a smets2 meter installed by them last August, will they need to change for me to get an export mpan?

My intention is to get familiarised with the system with a view to going onto flux Oct/Nov to use the cheaper night rate when my solar generation struggles.

Am I on the right tracks with my train of thought behind both these ideas?

Thank you.
I would have thought you'd be better off going onto Flux straight away, seems to me that it will be at its best over the summer when you are exporting more and not so good over winter when there is little export and the overnight rate is not as good as other alternatives like Economy 7 (if you don't have an EV to get Go or similar). So kind of the opposite way round to what you're planning.
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Worse export - but 55ish pence is not the end of the world - still significantly better than what I was getting before Flux.

Standing charge is quite a hike though, but the unit rates are also lower, so flux charging will help.


Worse export - but 55ish pence is not the end of the world - still significantly better than what I was getting before Flux.

Standing charge is quite a hike though, but the unit rates are also lower, so flux charging will help.
Mine was an increase of £6 a year….standing charge went up to 51p and the rest went down including export.
Anybody any idea how long it may take me to move from Flexible to Flux once my account is switched to Octopus, is it a case of them hooking up to the smart meter and then i'm good to go?
Anybody any idea how long it may take me to move from Flexible to Flux once my account is switched to Octopus, is it a case of them hooking up to the smart meter and then i'm good to go?
Signing to flux happened probably within an hour……but you wont know until the process of signing upto octopus has been completed.
yeah conveniently my export is with Octopus! :D Just my smart meter was not smart with Sainsburys but it's one of the Secure Liberty ones so hopefully it should be a quick switch in that regard!
Alongside my import move to octopus thought I'd see if I can get on the fixed import in the meantime like @Welshman was on. Moving through the steps and they've identified my smart meter already so hopefully can get straight on to flux as soon as that's connected up in the next couple of days. Just in time for some good export weather!
Well got onto the fixed export at 15p/kwh now, so not sure if they've connected to my smart meter or not, but should help until I get onto Flux anyway.
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I think I broke octopus.
Me to. Octopus also seem rather slow in updating the data as well, Bright App is a lot more up to date. I also use Octopus Watch, but that gets it's data directly from Octopus so suffers the same delays, but good for seeing how much you've spent or haven't spent, or once exports is setup how much you've gained.

@Welshman does your Octopus App mention export?
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Me to. Octopus also seem rather slow in updating the data as well, Bright App is a lot more up to date. I also use Octopus Watch, but that gets it's data directly from Octopus so suffers the same delays, but good for seeing how much you've spent or haven't spent, or once exports is setup how much you've gained.

@Welshman does your Octopus App mention export?
No export on the octopus app….i have asked them about it, as the data is stored with DCC, but no reply as yet, also the Bright App owners are also looking into adding export to their app too from DCC

i stand corrected, octopus app does have export, but its on zero at the moment, same as the rest of yesterdays data
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