How to getthe best out of Octopus Flux

No export on the octopus app….i have asked them about it, as the data is stored with DCC, but no reply as yet, also the Bright App owners are also looking into adding export to their app too from DCC

i stand corrected, octopus app does have export, but its on zero at the moment, same as the rest of yesterdays data
Hey Welshman. Im new on here and just recently signed up to Flux. Can you say where on the app it mentions Export? I cant see to see it on my app. Cheers
@PaulB81 it depends if you already were being paid by Octopus for export, if not it takes longer to setup. Import gets setup pretty quickly, but it's been around three weeks now for me and still waiting for export to be setup.
@Ron-ski Ah Ok, I just moved over from bulb to octopus couple weeks back and signed up to flux a few days ago. I didn't have any export plan set up previously as just recently got the solar panels fitted. Do you know what happens to any exported units while I'm waiting on the export plan to be fully set up? Are they just gone or do you get back dated to when you initially signed up to flux?
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@Ron-ski Ah Ok, I just moved over from bulb to octopus couple weeks back and signed up to flux a few days ago. I didn't have any export plan set up previously as just recently got the solar panels fitted. Do you know what happens to any exported units while I'm waiting on the export plan to be fully set up? Are they just gone or do you get back dated to when you initially signed up to flux?
They are gone im afraid…… back dating
Something for me to consider with the overnight charging against using solar to generate is that my Inverter can charge at 2.6kWh but my inverter can only generate 5kw maximum AC but up to 6.5kWh DC, so actually on really good days like yesterday i would be sat generating 5kw once the batteries were topped up even though in theory my panels can generate about 5.7kW (accounting for 10% loss due to heat). so the slight discrepancy between charging rate overnight and export rate might not be worth it and it would be better to just let the batteries charge from solar as in theory I could use the full potential of my array which is about 15% more. as long as I can max my export in the 4-7 window and have enough to get me through to the charging window without utilising the daytime import rate. If I added a second inverter this wouldn't be an issue.

Not sure if this makes sense to anyone else or it's just my ramblings!
Imo it would be worth charging to a point, you want to have some cheaper power stored that can be used in the event the weather isn't very good.

Also doesn't make a ton of sense to charge/discharge the batteries a lot more than needed, if export to grid is the main goal.

The scenarios would vary for each of us I think, I'd probably just charge as much as I can, but ideally I'd have a 2nd charge window that prevented it dropping below say 50% before 16:00, which gives some room for solar to power the batteries whilst also maintaining a SOC that can handle demand in the peak time.

I still want to see more details on what this GE specific tariff is like, because that may well beat Flux/Go depending how it's done.
Imo it would be worth charging to a point, you want to have some cheaper power stored that can be used in the event the weather isn't very good.

Also doesn't make a ton of sense to charge/discharge the batteries a lot more than needed, if export to grid is the main goal.

The scenarios would vary for each of us I think, I'd probably just charge as much as I can, but ideally I'd have a 2nd charge window that prevented it dropping below say 50% before 16:00, which gives some room for solar to power the batteries whilst also maintaining a SOC that can handle demand in the peak time.

I still want to see more details on what this GE specific tariff is like, because that may well beat Flux/Go depending how it's done.
Indeed, with the battery size I have I think I would only top up if the following day is looking like a sub 20kwh day where I wouldn't charge my batteries fully before 4pm. Got any links to the talk of the GE tarriff?
Right my import for Flux is now set up, although i'm confused! Will my export come over by itself or do i need to do any actions as I have a separate import and export account? as I was with octopus outgoing before becoming a normal customer.

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Right my import for Flux is now set up, although i'm confused! Will my export come over by itself or do i need to do any actions as I have a separate import and export account? as I was with octopus outgoing before becoming a normal customer.

It should come over by itself….but a phone call to check my help
Out of interest, what happens if you have a SMETS1 smart meter? Having solar panels and a battery installed at the end of May. The smart meter is a Landis+Gyr. Has a separate comms bit. Would Octopus send someone out to replace it with a SMETS2 meter or just accept manual readings?
Out of interest, what happens if you have a SMETS1 smart meter? Having solar panels and a battery installed at the end of May. The smart meter is a Landis+Gyr. Has a separate comms bit. Would Octopus send someone out to replace it with a SMETS2 meter or just accept manual readings?
Some smets1 meters work ok….but they will come out and change them for smets2 if your looking at exporting solar
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