How to protect your home and your self from hostiles. Offiicial thread!!!

I grew up with four firearms in my house; I was taught to handle an mp5 and was good by the age of 14. We had bullet-proof windows in our house and were forced from two houses by the time I was 9 years old by The IRA, they also put a bomb under my fathers Mk2 Escort in the 1980’s.

After which time he was issued with this.


I’ve been testing it again recently; It’s an Anti booby-trap under or in car bomb detector. Northern Ireland security forces issue 1986 to 1996. It detected everything from the simple biscuit tin bomb, to mercury tilt switches that were placed under or inside the cars of members of the security forces, by the IRA and INLA. And it saved a few lives down the years.

It done away with getting on the knees to look under the car for a device and starting the car with the door open. As the IRA bomb making skills got more sophisticated, to the point where it was just no longer viable to look under the car, as many of the bombs were being placed out of sight or indeed inside the car. This was fitted to the cars and had a series of light indicators that would and did warn the person of a device being placed.

The siren part of it was on a different power circuit, but linked for tampering. If the power to the car or device was cut, the siren would sound to indicate tampering of the device itself. There are other smaller parts and wires in bag.

And trust me; I’m not an isolated case, forget the USA, welcome to Co Armagh.

We live in a world of many dangerous people. So i protect my home in UK:

- 2 locks
- alarm
- strategically placed equalizers.


- steel reinforced door with dead bolts locking from inside. The kind of steel door that a police ram wont open in 1 hour and or even direct RPG hit.

- bullet proof windows with inside steel shutters that will withstand AK 47 fire.
- 1911 with 4 clips under my bed from pillow side and ak 47 with 4 clips.
- 12 gauge by the door.

How about you?

so thats a house in compton or some other ghetto then that is primarily occupied by a crack dealing gang who use it as their base of opperations ?
Just a hammer next to my bedside - heavy one, with a claw at one end.. so its bang to the head, then claw to the eye socket.

The good old English 1-2
I own a keep in a valley so if I'm being threatened by hostiles then I retreat there. The main wall of my keep spans the valley with the keep at one end.

There are two weaknesses to my keep. One is a small drain outlet (big enough for one person at a time to crawl through) that goes through the wall to allow water etc from inside the keep to the outside outside. The other is the main entrance.

The only way upto the main entrance is a long climbing path wide enough for 4 or so horses riding abrest. With the keep above it I don't see this being to much of an issue as it is a great killing point plus the door is very strong and would need a large ram to deal with it. I'm not fussed about the wall as the only way to really breach it is to place an explosive into the drain outlet. My archers should be able to deal with any 'nutters' charging mindlessly at this.
How would you explain that you kept a hammer next to your bed? That's premeditated and would probably land you in trouble.

DIY in the bedroom... im not asking anyone to break in btw, so im not premeditating anything, its just there in case my family is threatened... or I waiting to put up that picture ive been meaning to do for a while :D
I own a keep in a valley so if I'm being threatened by hostiles then I retreat there. The main wall of my keep spans the valley with the keep at one end.

There are two weaknesses to my keep. One is a small drain outlet (big enough for one person at a time to crawl through) that goes through the wall to allow water etc from inside the keep to the outside outside. The other is the main entrance.

The only way upto the main entrance is a long climbing path wide enough for 4 or so horses riding abrest. With the keep above it I don't see this being to much of an issue as it is a great killing point plus the door is very strong and would need a large ram to deal with it. I'm not fussed about the wall as the only way to really breach it is to place an explosive into the drain outlet. My archers should be able to deal with any 'nutters' charging mindlessly at this.

I hope you have a big horn shaped alarm system installed as well, in order to both summon the authorities, and instil fear into the hearts of any potential intruders?

Along with that, have you taken into account the facing of the keep, to allow the authorities to approach from the direction of the rising sun, causing it to blind the intruders in the event of any attempted burglary?
I hope you have a big horn shaped alarm system installed as well, in order to both summon the authorities, and instil fear into the hearts of any potential intruders?

Along with that, have you taken into account the facing of the keep, to allow the authorities to approach from the direction of the rising sun, causing it to blind the intruders in the event of any attempted burglary?

I have indeed installed a horn alarm system. However it is a very big system so if you only run a small keep I would advise you look at a smaller option. I've had to place it at the top of the keep which has caused difficulty for the 'larger' types in my guard.
unfortunately in the uk...if were to defend me and my family against an intruder..i'd probably get which case i'd just sit there..take a beating by the time the police get to me.

good isn't it?
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