Mine arrived today, it's enourmous!
Very impressive build quality & stand adjustments, I think I spotted 2 lazy subpixels earlier but I can't seem to see them now so I'm very happy with it.
I'm still unsure about the colours but I've only had a very quick play with settings so I could do better and think i could live with the wide gamut, skin tones seem to be the worst victims.
I'm not happy with text though. Some of the time it seems fine, but it's not what I'd call sharp, and sometimes I can clearly see colours around it, almost like the DLP rainbow effect. Bit of a bugger for me as I'm I spend a lot of time looking at code.
I'm also getting a bit of eye strain with it, I'm not sure if this is just the sheer size of it or something else, I've got brightness down to 10 and i sit about 60-70cm away.
It almost appears to be flickering very slightly, I'm not sure if this is the refresh rate? I've always seen flicker on crt's below 85hz, but I didn't think LCD's had the same problems, I've never seen lcd flicker before.