HP LP2475w, IPS 24" Official Thread! (Now Available from OcUK)

OK, bought this monitor off OcUK a week ago and thought I'd register to throw my comments in to the hat.

As is stated in the tftcentral review, and by numerous posters on this thread, this monitor has rather agressive settings out of the box. Knocking the brightness back from 90 to 15, and setting the contrast to 65 did it for me. Very nice.

Now, the 'reddish' tinge I got rid of by setting the RGB Gain to 30 from it's default of 50. At that point, I left all the other colour settings at default. The colours are now excellent.

My panel has no dead or stuck pixels, no backlight uneveness or bleed, and no banding/striping, etc.

I've had a couple of sessions with Cleartype tuner, and now I find the text is nice and clear to read - and I work from home developing Java code twice a week on it. The text is MUCH better than the Dell 24" monitor I have at work.

All-in-all, I think this is a terrific monitor - once it's been tweaked and set-up correctly. And for the price, I doubt you'd find anything better. The Hazro just had too many issues for me, as did the Dell's, and the Benq's seem to be poor these days including their support.

After 18 months+ of looking at 24" displays, I'm glad I waited and went for this one. With a 4870 graphics card (purchased at the same time) it's been heaven in gaming and DVD playback - no ghosting/smearing problems, and no 'input lag' that I can tell after many hours of Orange Box and Crysis Warhead (plus a huge amount of Witcher Enhanced Edition.)

Sorry to sound like an HP salesman, but I really do rate this monitor. Well worth putting on your short list.



EDIT: Typo
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Whats the optimum cleartype setting? I find it hard to tell much difference from the options

I have the same problem with the official ClearType tuner. Eventually I used the registry hack ( http://www.pctipsbox.com/fine-tune-cleartype-settings/ ) and messed around at the extremes to get a feel for what was possible, I settled on a value of 1750 decimal for FontSmoothingGamma. I'm happy at that :)
Good to hear from that mini review the colour issue can be easily sorted, thx nomadd

Actually, having re-read what I wrote, I should have been a bit clearer: The "RGB Gain" is the top 3 sliders in the HP Display Assistant software - I left these alone at their defaults of 255,255,255. Now, the 3 sliders below are "RGB Black Level" - it was the top one of these (for Red) that I dropped from it's default of 50 to 30 to remove the red tint that the monitor has by default.

Now for someone doing "colour critical" work as a profession, I'm sure those settings would need changing via a calibrator; but I don't work as a Pantone Certified graphics guy, so I've just chosen settings that suit my usage - cutting code and playing games.

Hope the above helps.


Got the monitor today...

I'm was quite suprised by the weight of the monitor, for a 24", its light. I have no dead/stuck pixels, and no colour change from left to right. Colour was a bit 'weird' out of the box, but changing the colour option to 'Custom' and moving the Red down to 199 from 255 has made it look much better. My old Philips 20.1" suffered from changes in picture/colour as you moved you head around, the HP has none of that, and I'm sitting the same distance away as before.

1st impressions are WOW, its big and bright! I will be connecting the PS3 and 360 into it next week and test them out on it too.

Played GTR2 and Crysis so far, and was suprised that I needed to add some AA in crysis at 1920x1080. Can crysis run at 1920x1200? I don't have it in the options...

I really like the small bevel casing, and so glad I went for it, rather than waiting for the Dell A01 revision or the glossy Hasro's...
1920x1200 vs 1080 is going to make zero difference to AA being needed or not.

Enable EdgeAA in the game instead if you think it needs FSAA or use settings that are not gamer such as Enthusiast.
Can this hp screen go down too a really low contrast/brightness ?

I tend too have my TFTs around 20/20 seems easiest on my eyes and just worried this screen might be overal too bright even on the lowest setting ?
Yes it can, just drop the RGB sliders and the backlight is dropped accordingly
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