HP LP2475w, IPS 24" Official Thread! (Now Available from OcUK)

Just got this monitor today.

24inch widescreen compared to my old 2007wfp is enormous. Now to calibrate this thing and play some games, might give a few blu-rays a twirl too.

Manufactured June 2009, firmware is GIG 072
Man I wish I had never read about the pinkish tinge issue. I can see it on mine, but only on flat white backgrounds. Pondering getting it replaced now, bah.
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Is it just me being pedantic but is there something slightly off with text on this monitor?

I can't quite put my finger on what it is though... certainly it looks sharp enough on close glance but not as clear as I'd expected it to be. I've tried all different ClearType settings I just cannot get a satisfactory look to black text on white backgrounds in windows and word documents. Games and videos are fine though, in fact, they look stunning.

I think it may be the screen coating this display uses, I'm not sure, it gives white backgrounds a kind of rough/uneven texture which is noticeable even from two or three feet away. Am I imagining things or is it that I'm just too damn fussy?
If you're using it on Windows 7 it's more likely the changes in cleartype and enforced colour profiling.

It takes a lot more fiddling around to get text looking decent on 7. By default even Linux (when using the same fonts) looks clearer.
I'm using Windows Vista.

I've gotten round it slightly by using a ClearType utility to set the gamma to 1000. It makes text look blacker and slightly chunkier. I think the text looks nasty when it appears thin and light as I discovered when I turned ClearType off; it looked absolutely horrendous.

I am on my third lp2475w and it's getting to annoy me that hp are sending out second hand head unit's. I put up with the pink tint and could no longer bare it so I rang HP and fair play to them the replacement was there the next day. It had the latest firmware gig 072 and no pink tint but there were 4 dead pixels and a group of pixels in the middle of the screen that are a very light blue/green colour they looked like a dirt mark on the screen. So I rang them up again and they sent another me another one and guess what. This one has the latest firmware but has a pink tint and there are three lots of the green/light blue pixels all grouped slightly flickering. There are two set in the middle of the screen right in the eye line, and one set to the left also in the eye line. I could see that the person before me had tried to clean the screen to remove them as they look like a stain or dirt patches.

Oh well I will have to RMA this one as well and I am guessing the replacement will be the same.

You only send a produce back if it doesn't meet your expectations or it is faulty and as HP send out “refurb” units you are getting something that is faulty or doesn’t work correctly which I think that this is wrong.
Just took receipt of my new LP2475w. It is hardware revision GIG153 with firmware GIG072 manufactured July 2009 in Poland. No dead or bright pixels. :)

I have tried looking for the green/pink tint but I am really struggling to see it. It is either very subtle and I am not sensitive to it, or it is just not there. So a keeper for me.
The green/pink tint is not on all some have it some don't. I rmaed my monitor because of this and so far I am on my fifth monitor from HP. Everyone has been a refurb unit and defective. Number four didn't switch on you had to apply pressure to the outer frame and when it did come on only two buttons worked and there was a large number of pixels misssing on the top left of the screen. The fifth has f/w 076 on it but there are a large number of pixels stuck on red in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

I have requested a new screen but I am told that HP don't know what will be sent out all they do is fill in a request form and what ever is in at the time gets sent out.
That doesn't sound like very good customer service at all. How soon did you RMA your first unit? If it was within the first 7 days I would say you are entitled to a new replacement as you could just as easily cancelled at that point.

I took out the 5-year warranty for the extra £17. Hoping I never need to use it hearing your experience.
I've just bought one of these, No dead/bright pixels or any of this pink tinge people talk about ( although arnt all ips panels prone to this to some degree unless they use a tw polariser )

Anyway I notice there is the option in the menu for DDC/CI support.
Which software supports this ? Any one know ?
hi all & right folks i am ready to order this nice monitor on mon if i can from overclockers.

but can you tell me what to look for on the box please i,e the mode number or the up todate firmware number etc... as i would like the upto date one not a old one they have sitting about !!.

p,s i did work there many years back so hope i get a nice one ;)
Yes all of that and the country of manufacture.

Mine is hardware revision GIG153 with firmware GIG072. I have not seen reports of anything newer, yet...
Hi guys, long time lurker here and I have just received my LP2475W from OcUK as well. They are pretty awesome aren't they? :) Love it love it love it.
Can't say I can see any tinges on mine and every pixel works perfectly.

Now my only problem is that my aging 8800GTX struggles a bit at 1920x1200.
Roll on Nvidia's new range
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