HP Reverb G2 uk release date?

I'm trying to return mine. I'm not really loving the controllers, and it's too demanding for my system. Have had some software related stuttering. I think that the Quest 2 is probably enough to give my kids some excitement in VR in a more user friendly package (Facebook login aside). Can't get hold of SA customer services on the phone though and the Returns Form doesn't appear to offer a Refund option, just a Credit option, so really wanted to speak with someone.
Thanks, I've a G2 pre-ordered but still need to build a system to use it, was considering a 2070S but I might bump up to something more powerful based on your experience.

Stock is of course an issue, but the new 3060ti seems to outperform the 2070s by a reasonable amount, and shouldn't be crazy expensive.

Sorry to hear your headset didn't work for you. I have a similar spec system (I7-7700, GTX1080) and am worried that I too would be pushing my system too hard to be able to appreciate the G2 without a significant graphics card upgrade. From what I am reading elsewhere a 3080 is really the minimum to enjoy all the eye candy and even a 3070 owner is likely to have to turn down settings.

Even if I could buy a 3080 right now for near list price of £700 (which I can't) when you add in the headset cost you're looking at £1350 to upgrade from where I am now with my Rift CV1 (reasonable VR and few performance issues).

As primarily a simulation gamer - Asseto Corsa, Elite Dangerous, Star Wars Squadrons and FS2020 I'm desperate to experience the stunning visual quality of the G2. In truth the Rift is great in games with dark backgrounds where the screen door isn't so intrusive (Elite and Star Wars) and pretty crappy in games in daylight (Asseto Corsa, flight-sims).

I'm cogitating on what's my next move and would welcome opinions! RTX3080 first when they become widely available (on the basis it will improve my ability to use supersampling on the Rift) or take a punt on the G2 in the hope that even on my system the graphical fidelity at say half res will be comfortably better than the Rift CV1. How does half res mode compare with a Rift CV1?


In case anyone is interested, whilst I wait to here back from SA, I'd be happy to sell my full kit G2 to a fellow forumite via PayPal for the £525 I paid, plus shipping (I'd guess around £20), plus PayPal fees, which I guess would come to around £565. But I imagine the preference for most would be to just buy direct from SA.
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Sorry to hear your headset didn't work for you. I have a similar spec system (I7-7700, GTX1080) and am worried that I too would be pushing my system too hard to be able to appreciate the G2 without a significant graphics card upgrade. From what I am reading elsewhere a 3080 is really the minimum to enjoy all the eye candy and even a 3070 owner is likely to have to turn down settings.

Even if I could buy a 3080 right now for near list price of £700 (which I can't) when you add in the headset cost you're looking at £1350 to upgrade from where I am now with my Rift CV1 (reasonable VR and few performance issues).

As primarily a simulation gamer - Asseto Corsa, Elite Dangerous, Star Wars Squadrons and FS2020 I'm desperate to experience the stunning visual quality of the G2. In truth the Rift is great in games with dark backgrounds where the screen door isn't so intrusive (Elite and Star Wars) and pretty crappy in games in daylight (Asseto Corsa, flight-sims).

I'm cogitating on what's my next move and would welcome opinions! RTX3080 first when they become widely available (on the basis it will improve my ability to use supersampling on the Rift) or take a punt on the G2 in the hope that even on my system the graphical fidelity at say half res will be comfortably better than the Rift CV1. How does half res mode compare with a Rift CV1?



I got it running acceptably with low to medium settings in Assetto Corsa, at 45fps with re-projection. Same with Robo Recall. AMS2 was a **** show though, even on Low. I got performance warnings when I tried booting up Contractors. Just as well as I got stomach emptying warnings from Contractors and Saints and Sinners anyway. Pretty much everything I throw at it needs re-projection.

The biggest issue for me is that it's just not user friendly enough for my sons to use without a lot of help. WMR/Steam VR get all choppy and stuttery for no apparent reason and need to be restarted after playing some games, yet other times are fine. Controllers sometimes need a remap too. And my son won't want to give up the PC often to the youngest, so having stand alone VR for 30 minute sessions would be fun for him.

The experience of driving an F1 car around Suzuka was pretty emense, but it's not as super sharp and detailed as I expected it to be, possibly a 3080 would help. Been trying and failing to get one.
It's bloody hard to look at a laptop screen after playing 30 mins of VR, I can attest to that right now. It's like my glasses are all wrong. Settling down a bit after 30 mins away from the headset.
I got the email notification from HP yesterday as well and I have to say, I was tempted more than I would care to admit. Then thought about trying to run it with my 980ti and decided against it. Looking highly unlikely I'll be getting a GPU upgrade anytime soon so would really be a waste of money for me just now.
Not sure if it helps anybody but I notice Currys who were out of stock for all the 3080/3070 graphics cards last time I looked are now showing some stock in some stores. No good for me as I've decided to miss out the 3070 level and go for the 3080 and I need a twin fan version due to my Alienware Aurora case design and there aren't many of those about yet.

I have to say I have been absolutely astounded at the complete breakdown of the world's supply chains over this release of the latest gen cards. As a gamer for 35 years I can't ever remember a time when it was so utterly impossible to buy what is actually a very expensive luxury item!

Brg, Birdseed
They always show store stock, until you try to buy. It's just a dodgy website. If it isn't tagged as available for delivery it isn't in stock.
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