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HPET Disabled or Enabled

28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
An old game surely? I havent had a single crash with my pagefile off but i had issues messing with services as well. The only thing i really remove is print spooler and the security tools. Which is another great thing about having a dedicated gaming computer in that i see no need for any av.

Removing the windows components through the control panel/uninstall has no isses though you will be fine. I reckon if you have done them all then you should be seeing buttery smooth gameplay.

I might get at the file sooner because apparantly 980 aftermarket is coming in 2 weeks. :eek::cool::D
25 Nov 2011
Interesting read here guys.. I been using Both off these past couple days and I can safely say I notice better mouse movement and what seems better hit detection?

This guide would recommend disabling HPET

More info on different timers
If you are disabling HPET in the BIOS, and setting useplatformclock to false, you are forcing Windows to use the slowest, and least accurate timers—TSC+LAPICs which are slow and need synchronised.
If you have HPET disabled in the BIOS and have useplatformclock enabled, Windows should just be using LAPICs—slow, but no synchronisation needed as there is only one clock running.
If you have HPET enabled with useplatformclock disabled, Windows will now be using a combination of TSC+HPET which need synchronised.
If you have HPET enabled and enable useplatformclock, Windows will solely be using HPET, which is a significantly faster clock (about 14MHz compared to less than 4MHz) that is more accurate, and does not require synchronisation.
Last edited:
23 Oct 2016
Off in both bios and windows. And i gotta say the difference is astonishing.


Flattest ive ever seen the performance graph lines in bog standard bf4. So much smoother and mouse/keyboard input feels much snappier. The above was only a tdm round with a dozen players on. But previously in a round like this my graph readout would be up and down like a yo yo.


How did you put the FrameTime Square on the button window ? can you say how to guide with what softwares to use ? can I use it in any game ? Thanks
22 Nov 2006
Old thread :D

But when I enable it in windows I get slightly better input lag, but it does cause more micro stutters in games.
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