***HTC Magic Thread***

Vodafone really are useless, they royally cocked up my price plan to start with and now they have just billed me £60 for one months rental and won't refund the entire amount...

My package was meant to be this, I have the date & time of my call and also the sales persons name - they also have the recording of this:

700 Minutes
Unlimited Texts
Unlimited Landline Calls
Unlimited Web
Free HTC Magic
£30 p/m for 18 Months

When I got my "Welcome Pack" a week after my phone, my tariff was:

700 Minutes
250 Texts
No Landline Calls
Unlimited Web
Free HTC Magic
£35 p/m for 24 Months

I phoned up Customer Services, complained about the **** up and got my price plan changed to:

600 Minutes
Unlimited Texts
Unlimited Landline Calls
Unlimited Web
Free HTC magic
£30 p/m for 18 Months + Free Insurance for X amount of months (think it was 3 months...) for the loss of 100 minutes.

My £60 bill was for a £25 600 Min tariff, £30 700 min tariff and £5 unlimited landline add-on, they have refunded the £5 landline bolt on but wont refund the £30 for the initial package even know they made the mistake.

I'm apparently getting a call back from a manager this morning, I'm not getting my hopes up...

dispite the rubbish service from Vodafone, I love the Magic :)
Right all, time for GAME RECOMMENDATION time! Going on a long coach trip on Monday and will probably need some entertainment! Already got:

Throttle Copter
Robo Defense
Labyrinth Lite
Super-G Stunt Plane

Any more recommendations please?

Hmmm bonsai blaster is awesome...although ive finished it but it was addictive to say the least...Jewel lust is the latest one i have and thats keeping me entertained...also amazed is another one i have as well.
Type HTC Magic Cradle into google, the auction site or the rainforest and you will notice that millions of cheap docking stations for this phone have suddenly appeared :).......who's gonna be the first to buy one?
Right, well I just got one of these from Voda, it should arrive tomorrow, you guys better be right about how good it is!
24 month contract though, yowch!
I won't be hanging on to it for too long though, I have my eye on an Aino phone (when it becomes available).
Hi everyone! I found this forum awhile ago and have really enjoyed reading up and seeing some pictures of your HTC Magic phones. We are finally getting our own branded Magic in the States called the myTouch 3G (i know what a stupid name), and I was thinking about possibly buying.

I was just wondering, could you post some pictures and videos taken from your Magic? I would like to be able to compare the quality to some other phones I'm looking at.

Thanks much!
Hi everyone! I found this forum awhile ago and have really enjoyed reading up and seeing some pictures of your HTC Magic phones. We are finally getting our own branded Magic in the States called the myTouch 3G (i know what a stupid name), and I was thinking about possibly buying.

I was just wondering, could you post some pictures and videos taken from your Magic? I would like to be able to compare the quality to some other phones I'm looking at.

Thanks much!

What other phones are you looking at? If the camera is important then Id hold off as the Magic camera is not the main feature.
Mine just arrived, not fired it up yet, I need to transfer my contacts to Windows (or possibly my google account) first. In the meantime I'm charging it in preparation.
Looks and feels very well built, I'm quite impressed, if it's as functional as I think it is, then I'll be sorry to sell it on when the Aino comes out.
No idea but LOL I just searched for LED on the market and found an LED scroller that scrolls messages across the screen like an LED board on shop windows, this should prove fun on long trips and when out and about at night :D
No idea but LOL I just searched for LED on the market and found an LED scroller that scrolls messages across the screen like an LED board on shop windows, this should prove fun on long trips and when out and about at night :D
Pfft Jeremy Clarkson did that in Top Gear's camping holiday a few series ago. :p
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